I am 17 years old, weigh 145, bench 210. I take in about 120-140 g’s of protein daily. A few questions: Part of my daily protein source comes from soy protein; should I continue using soy protein in my diet? I read that it isn’t easily digested. Also-this might be a question directed to one of the T-Mag experts-I have had trouble gaining much poundage on my bp 1RM recently and I am wondering if the muscle media “Raise your bench press by 50 pounds” workout really works. I started it recently, and the bottom line is that you work the bench press twice a week, the first workout consisting of sets of 6 (1 set), 5 (2 sets), and 4 (2 sets) reps, respectively, and the second workout consisting of 3 (2 sets), 2 (2 sets), and a negative set. On some days, instead of the 6-5-4 drill you perform 5-3-failure. That’s the basic rundown. Essentially, I am asking any of you out there to give me your input on this prog and any alternative program which you think would be more successfull in raising my 1RM (that’s my goal). Also, I’m thinkin about getting some Biotest Power Drive to perhaps stimulate my bench press performance. For anyone who knows, do I have to take it every day for its effect to set in or can I use it just once or twice a week? Is there a so-called loading-phase for it? Also, can I take it with creatine? Thanks for helping out.
Leo, you’re not going to like my answer, but I think you are asking for an overuse injury. Do you do any rowing to balance out your benching? Admittedly, you will certainly make faster gains in the beginning by concentrating on the bench, but you will stall out at a certain point, start training harder and harder to up your bench. That’s what it sounds like you are doing right now. Then that is when you tear a pec or blow out your shoulder because of the muscle imbalance caused by concentrating on the bench to the detriment of the horizontal pulling movements. By working the rowing movement at the same volume as the pushing, you will make better gains in the long run because you will avoid injury. As for your protein intake, I would up it to at least 200 grams. Most people do much better on 1.5 grams per lb of body weight. As for Power Drive, I never got much out of it, but some people swear by it. Yes, you can take creatine at the same time. I’m not familiar with the workout scheme you mentioned. You might try the 5% solution by Charles Poliquin (in issue 9?), if you are interested in only strength. The take home message is to avoid injury! Do a complete warm-up and get a good stretch. I can’t emphasize this enough. I learned the hard way–I’m scheduled for surgery on my knee in a couple of months.
Leo…as Hyok mentioned, up your protein intake. Many on the board think badly of Soy Protein. I am not convinced this is the case; however, I would taper back the soy and incorporate some whey or casein. Regarding benching, any formalized workout routine will work if you have been on the same program for quite some time. You need to go to the T-Mag article by Dave Tate on benching. I think it is, “How to Bench 600lbs Easy”. Needless to say, Dave Tate and the “Westsiders” are the experts. Follow their protocols to the letter, and your bench will increase.
I definitely agree that you need to up your protein intake. I’ve found that my strength (and all the people I train with)goes through the roof when we do Mike Mentzer training. after 8 weeks of one set to failure we go on to an Ian King style program and add a few pounds of muscle, but for strength HIT kicks ass.
I’m familiar with the program you’re talking about. When I was a PT I saw a couple guys use it. It works fairly well. I think the guys that used it added around 40 pounds to their bench. If I were you, I would read the
Dave Tate article (Bench 600 Pounds or whatevere it is). Also, you might want to think about trading your soy protien for some Whey, Casein or a mix. Good luck!
Whoa! 145 grams of protien per day? Say it again slower this time so I can understand it. OK, take it from a fellow 17 year old who has struggled month after month totally STUCK at 150 at 5’9". Well, I thought to myself, gee, this sucks pretty gargantuous dick, why aren’t I getting any bigger? Then I found T-mag and realized that I was only eating 3 meals a day and almost no breakfast! Silly wabbit. It has been 3 months scince my enlightenment and am proud to say I am now 162 and still growing. OK, enough with the Bill Phillips style inspirational story (dry the tears from your eyes).seriously though man, take it from a serious all time worst hard gainer, you have to eat at least 200 high quality grams of protien per day and 5 or six meals. Now I know you got to go to school and all, but drop out, a well built physique is MUCH more important than going to school. OK, just kidding, I’m in school. Just buy some protein bars and store them in the locker for between classes and eat a mondo breakfast. make sure to eat before going to bed also. I’m sorry if I have offended you as you might already know some, if not all of the things I have told you. And for gods sake, stay away from soy like the plague! Read the Evils of soy in the previous issues section if you haven’t already. Supplements are also not necessary, however, being a teenager, I assume you party alot, well have a bottle of androsol handy to replenish your testosterone levels after a drinking binge. Ok, thats pretty much it. Have fun and GL
First things first, It seems exceedingly obvious with your weight/power ratio that even if you are an exceedingly low bodyfat % your legs must be secondary in your mind when you go work-out. If you allow any bodypart to become neglect-ridden, your overall performance will stagnate eventually. Take advantage of your heightened youthful testosterone go pound the hell out of yourself in the gym, leaving no bodypart to waste, and down a ton of protien. Then enjoy your newfound ape-like strength gains
Leo G., all of these have been great answers! I want to add some emphasis to robert’s response: you have GOT to work your entire body and take in more protein. I wish I had started doing this when I was 17 - not when I was 21 and almost finished with college. I could not BELIEVE the gains I made when I started squatting, doing pullups and rows, and eating protein like it was my last meal. I eventually benched 305 at a bodyweight of 165, which I know is not great, but it is respectable. Also, I have a bit of philosphy to throw at you. I know that you are young (no insult intended) and probably don’t think about this, but who do you ask how to invest? An accountant or a millionaire? Most accountants make $30K - $50K per year. The millionaire is - well - a millionaire! Who would YOU ask? Now, with someone like Dave Tate around (and other members of the WestSide group), who do you ask how to increase your bench press? Read the articles suggested, my friend, and Good Luck!