I have an interesting problem with bench pressing. No matter what grip I use, or how much weight I use, I never seem to really recruit my pecs. My arms always give out before my chest does, and I’ve never felt a burn or even soreness in my pecs, no matter if I go high-rep, 1RM, or 5x5 style.
A very wide grip should help. Also, don’t fear flyes. They are NOT a sissy exercise as some make them out to be. At least not if your main goal is bodybuilding.
How experienced are you? Assuming a biomechanical deficiency such as really long arms isn’t causing the problem, this is a pretty typical newbie issue that tends to work itself out over time.
Try doing 4 sets of pushups to failure, but instead of doing a regular push up. grab two dumbells and position them like a hammer curl on the floor. place your legs on a bench so your leaning forward slightly when you do them. Then go bench and you will have sore boobies tomorrow.
I’ve been lifting 3-5 times a week for around 2 months, and my gains have been decent - when I started I was repping the bar, now I rep around 200. However, my bench didn’t start really going up until I really started hitting my triceps, and again, it always seems to be the arms that give out.
I don't think I have long arms, but I do have a long torso. Does that make a difference?
Unless you get a lot of torso action while benching, no, I don’t think the length of your torso makes a difference. I’d say just give the issue some time – you really are still a newbie.
when you first begin training you lack the necessary mind/muscle connection that is needed to feel a particular muscle working. with arms and legs it is simple because we use those muscles every day. chest and back are different. you must concentrate on feeling the exercise in the appropriate muscle untill you begin to feel it. once you gain control over those muscles it will be second nature. drop the weight and just concentrate on trying to contract the pecs. as well as all other muscles untill you have that connection. also, you are keeping your elbows out right? if they are not you will be placing more stress on the tri’s.
If you’re not feeling it in your pecs an never getting pec soreness, does that necessarily mean your pecs are weaker? I wouldn’t say so until you find out what your numbers are like on other exercises. DB Flyes would be a good place to start, but unless someone with experience watches you and can correct your form in the bench, then that may be the first place to go.
If the case is that your pecs are weak, you may need upper back strengthening and an increase in scapular and shoulder stability. Is anyone else wondering about his form or the fact that his pecs are the strong link in the kinetic chain?
Most likely, as in most cases, more pec work will not cure your ills. External rotator work, horizontal (wide grip) rowing and work in strengthening dpression and retraction will likely be the perscription from someone with expertise.
I had the same problem for years.
Leave the BB, hit the DB’s and think of keepng your shoulders back throughout the exercise.
Squeeze hard at the top of ever rep.
Give it some time and then move back to the BB once you can consistantly destroy your chest w/ DB’s
Good Luck
DO YOU HAVE BIG PECS?! how do they look compared with the rest of your body? Because if they are kinda big, then you must be doing something right. I had that too for a little bit, I wasn’t really feeling it, but they were getting bigger…so… i kinda actually have no idea what your problem is…
I would do as people have mentioned. Drop the barbell presses and go to dumbell work. I like to rotate the 2 styles every 2-3 weeks to keep things fresh.
Presses in general are more of a compound movement. The primary focus of course is your pecs, but there are stresses on your triceps, and delts as well.
As well, as has been mentioned, really hit your pecs hard with some isolation movements. These are primarily the different style of lfyes. This can help you build that mind/muscle relationship.
Isolation movements:
Dumbell Flyes
Incline - will help the best
Pec Dec Flyes - dont grip hard with hands, use open hands and rest handle in palms - less arms
Cable Crossovers
High Position
Low Position
Pushups - I like to do these with the exercise ball under my feet - really forces you to stablize using torso/abs better.
Ciculate these exercises in with your pressing movements and believe me, you will notice the growth and the pain.
I have thin pecs. Not much thickness at all. I do have long arms, what does that mean? I use DB exclusivly for chest exercises. It’s genetic, because my dad has huge arms, and thin pecs (w/ large round ribcage), too. I can bench my body weight + but would like to have thicker pecs. I only do arms and shoulders once every 10 days because they seem to grow so fast. My legs also appear skinny but I’m constantly making strength gains. When I think about it, Sly Stallone has thin pecs and long arms, too. Am I destined to have huge arms and nearly nonexistant chest muscles? Suggestions please.
What is your training goal? If absolute strength is your goal I would thank the fly pec-deck peolple kindly for their suggestions but not use them. You indicate “giving out” how often are you training to failure? I wouldn’t more than once per month. use the words periodization or for the euro’s, periodisation in a search. good luck!
i kinda had the same problem yesterday. i was doin steep incline dumbell presses but felt like it was only in my tris and shoulders. today however the most sore to least is pecs, shoulders, tris.