I’m wondering if any of the more experienced bench pressers do specific work to tighten their arch. I am referring to exerciess that would strengthen the area directly between your shoulder blades in order to draw them tight during the bench.
Not an experienced bencher by any means but I have had similar problems by neglecting the middle of my back (rhomboids) between my shoulder blades. I found that lots of chest supported rows and low pulley rows to be really good for this. Make sure to really emphasis the contraction and hold the shoulder blades back at end position.
[quote]ConanSpeaks wrote:
I’m wondering if any of the more experienced bench pressers do specific work to tighten their arch. I am referring to exerciess that would strengthen the area directly between your shoulder blades in order to draw them tight during the bench.
Any tips or techniques?[/quote]
Lots of upper back work. Face pulls, rows, supported rows, “fat man” pullups, etc. Also flexibility work like stretching over a swiss ball, etc.
STRAIGHT ARM rows are fantastic.To learn about this kind of work and how beneficial it can be get Kelso’s shrug book.Shoulder girdle training is highly underrated.Just look up the 6 scapular motions and you can figure out alot yourself:protraction,retraction,elevation,depression,upwards rotation and downwards rotation.Extra info? Just PM me.Good luck…z