This is my fifth set. I was trying to push 102.5kgs for 5 reps but failed. These are the previous sets.
I think I lose alot of arch and overall tightness when I unrack the bar.
Comments on form. Tips?
This is my fifth set. I was trying to push 102.5kgs for 5 reps but failed. These are the previous sets.
I think I lose alot of arch and overall tightness when I unrack the bar.
Comments on form. Tips?
maybe if you lose tightness unpacking you should have your patner unrack until you can do it? or is that illegal in comps? unrack with lats is what they say. otherwise u look good
Your arch looks decent, but you are not getting leg drive because you shuffled your feet a couple times during the lift.
[quote]Ecchastang wrote:
Your arch looks decent, but you are not getting leg drive because you shuffled your feet a couple times during the lift. [/quote]
Yeah I’ve been noticing that myself. I google the same question every night after I fail a bench set lol. Any idea how I could try and fix that? Gonna be benching in a couple of hours and I really want to squeeze in another rep.
Another one. Trying to maintain this tension in my back for over three reps is autofellatio hard. The more reps I do the less tight I get. Any tips on how to maintain tightness when doing more reps? Like I know some of the nfl guys can rep out over 40 reps with 2 plate.
[quote]DeathSoSwiftly wrote:
[quote]Ecchastang wrote:
Your arch looks decent, but you are not getting leg drive because you shuffled your feet a couple times during the lift. [/quote]
Yeah I’ve been noticing that myself. I google the same question every night after I fail a bench set lol. Any idea how I could try and fix that? Gonna be benching in a couple of hours and I really want to squeeze in another rep.
For not losing your leg drive, it’s a matter of practice and mental cueing - you should be thinking of pushing hard through the ground the whole time, as well as flexing your glutes. If you’ve made a habit of shifting your feet when you take a brief intraset rest (and therefore losing leg drive), then it might take a while to undo this. If you regularly train with a partner, they can remind you during the set.
[quote]DeathSoSwiftly wrote:
Another one. Trying to maintain this tension in my back for over three reps is autofellatio hard. The more reps I do the less tight I get. Any tips on how to maintain tightness when doing more reps? Like I know some of the nfl guys can rep out over 40 reps with 2 plate.
One of the most useful pieces of advice I read on maintaining tension was to increase your tightness during the set, and use it to offset your increased fatigue. So if you’re going for 5 reps, don’t get 1RM tight for the first rep, because you can’t maintain that. Instead, get just tight enough for the first few reps, and then once you get to reps 4 and 5 you’ll want to really flex your lats, grip the bar as hard as you can, flex your glutes as hard as possible, etc. How tight is “tight enough” will obviously take some practice, but this has helped me quite a bit.
Also, as for the NFL Combine guys, they really aren’t that tight during their sets. Instead, they’re just very strong, so that 225 feels light to them. Essentially, that test for them is like repping out with 50 kg for you. Would you get super tight for 50 kg? Of course not - you don’t need to, and neither do they. That being said, they often use the same “get tighter during your set” advice that I gave you, but they practice so that they gradually increase their tension over 40+ reps.