Beginner strength and size Program critique

So the idea behind what I do is to only be working out for an hour tops and I do it 5 days a week. I want to get stronger and gain some size so I do 1 compound lift for strength-3x5 and then 2 lifts for size.
On the strength lifts I do 3x5 and add 2.5 kg each workout If I’ve completed all the reps last workout.
On the size based ones I pick a weight that I can do 8/10 reps and add a rep to each set every workout until I reach 15/16 and then add weight.
I’ll list the weights/reps of the last time I worked out
I only squat once a week as I’m a walking postman so i try to time around not being sore for work. I do 5x5 for the squat to try to make up a little for only doing them once a week. Squats are also low weight as I only just started a week ago and I started with the bar alone.


Tues: deadlift 3x5 - currently at 70kg

V bar close grip pull downs- I’m at 40kg at the moment for 3x14

Ez curl bicep curls - currently at 17.5kg 5x10

Wed: bench press - 3x5 - 47.5kg

Lateral raise - 5x14 - 2.5kg. Keeping it light for higher reps as I tweaked my right shoulder

Ez curl skull crushers - 5x13 - 12.5kg

Thursday: squat- 5x5 25kg

Friday: same as Tuesday

Sat: rest

Sunday: same as Wednesday

I was doing 5x5 for the strength lifts but dropped the volume to 3x5 so I could raise the volume on the size exercises.

Oh also for the bicep curls and the skull crushers I haven’t included the weight of the bar in the weights that I do as I haven’t weighed it. I think it’s 5kg but I’m not sure.

I’ve definitely gained some size, my arms are visually bigger and you can see it in my traps (when I flex). Just want to make sure I’m not making any obvious mistakes.

Since you’re new to this, I don’t see much value in isolation lifts. Your time would be better spent using compound lifts across your sessions. This Greyskull linear progression takes care of your needs at present.
I was a city carrier with a walking route and the walking goes a long way towards eliminating muscle soreness.


Is that essentially starting strength? I did starting strength about 7-8 years ago before I had to get rid of my weights due to lack of space. I didn’t make a massive amount of progress, I think it was a 50kg bench, 67kg squat and 120kg deadlift.

Also is that programme ok for maintaining/losing fat? I wouldn’t say I’m very fat but I’m definitely fatter than id like. I’m at least 7kg over where I feel comfortable. I only ask as Mark Rippetoe seems to advocate stuffing your face on this kind of plan

Cursory glance… training 5 times a week is too much. 3 to 4 is better if intensity is at proper levels.

Volume isn’t key to growth. Intensity is.

Any exercise is a “size” exercise if trained properly.

Reps over 10 are nothing special and only serve to accumulate more fatigue / muscle damage = longer recovery times.

Keeping laterals raises “light” does nothing. If you’re injured avoid the exercises or find ways to work around it at proper intensity levels.

V Grip sucks… go wide for lat pulldowns

Keep us posted on you progress


5 days is purely because of the squats, I get your point though.

Intensity wise I can only go by how hard I feel it is and I go to failure on the isolation exercises, I genuinely can’t do anymore and have to grind out the last two. I assume the intensity is high enough but as I said I’m new so take it with a pinch of salt.

I got the V grip purely because it feels more comfortable for me with a neutral grip, I didn’t really thing about width tbh.

I assume you agree with the above post about doing something starting strength based?

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Is your main goal strength or hypertrophy?

Annoyingly both I suppose. I’m happy to focus on strength as a base as long as I can look better in the process. I’ve no interest in looking like a pro body builder but I also don’t want to be strong without looking like I am.
I need to shift a bit of fat by august next year too

Shall we say 60/40 in favour of strength? But if the correct way to go about it is to ignore isolation for the time being so be it. I already have the starting strength app that works out the programme for as you input numbers so I’m happy to follow it

Strength and hypertrophy CAN BE binary. But you can also get stronger without adding muscle. Programming is key.

Typically, as you get stronger your muscle will grow along with it.

Isolation doesn’t matter… you can bias certain muscles but not isolate them fully.

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No problem. As I said I’m happy to try whatever.

If I try the grey skull plan set above instead of the starting starting strength plan I assume that the last set amrap doesn’t apply to the single set of deadlifts? Or does it

I haven’t looked. AMRAP with dead lifts is an awful idea though especially at the end where you are already fatigued

What exercise is it? AMRAP really serve no purpose at all physiologically speaking

Under the list of “rules” it says last set is amrap.

Looking at it I prefer the look of the grey skull one. Alternating chin ups should help keep whatever size I do have in my biceps.

Quick question, what makes isolation pointless as a beginner? If it’s worked into a programme that’s based on compounds

AMRAP = trash. Ditch that crap.

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I figured lol

@Feeble_Knievel the deadlift is one set of 5. The other lifts are 3x5 with the last set AMAP.

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Just had another look. I’m in the uk, 2.5lbs is 1.1kg. Sounds like a small amount vs the other programmes I’ve seen.
The smallest plates I own/know of are 1.25kg. How do you add such a small amount to the bar? I’d be adding 2.5kg/5lbs for the upper body

Fractional plates. You can find them online. For example:

Oh cool, never heard of them! Cheers

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Another discount option is to use ankle/wrist weights. You can wrap them around the bar.


Just found cheap ones on Amazon for £5 :).

Am I right that week one you’ll do bench twice and then the next it will be overhead press twice

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I’ll most likely do it Tuesday/Wednesday, Friday and Sunday with the deadlift day on Sunday to keep squats away from my delivery day on Monday.
Means squats tomorrow though so I might have to go lighter as I squatted today. See how I feel