So is this recent onslaught of incredibly vague posts just trolling? Or is it posters who legitimately can’t remotely quantify their diets or training, since they haven’t actually tracked any of it?
There’s just no other explanation for not answering the most basic fucking questions. And on the other hand, why are we giving so much advice built on conjecture?
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None of the advice was answers they wanted to hear.
So they will go somewhere else until people say, “yeah bro! That’s great!”
True. That would explain it too. Why share silly little details like what he ate or how he trains when gear is all that matters right?
That’s it! Looking for the “magic pill”.
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Fellas im sorry i have not been able to reply often to give you the answers your looking for. But yes i do track my calories wth my fitnesspal app and macros. Usually bring in around 4200cals a day protein level is usually in 150 range if not more. I mentioned my training and i do agree it is alittle much but felt it was needed to train the muscles to grow. Im staying natural vut am definitely going to go get my T levels checkd again been a couple months since. They offered me treatment but i turned it down because if the injection part. Even tho im covered in tattoos it was just th thought of doing it myself scared me. Im not looking to start a controversial post just really want to be where i want to be and what i have worked so hard for. Thought this place could help but after all the comments without letting me reply to what was asked is not a good look. But then again its not a good look for me either the way i posted it. I will make a new chain and reword what i can to fit the agenda in here.
In this case i just got clarification.
That’s not enough. I could be wrong but you should be looking to consume 15.-2x your body weigh. So you need around 225-300g of protein a day.
You should look into a power-building program or a bro split and try to stay in the 6-8 rep range. Once you can hit a weight for 9-10 move up till you can hit 6-8 again. AND EAT A TON. At your size you should almost be eating till it’s uncomfortable.
Start your day with 4+ eggs and carbs
Lean protein and rice for your next 3 meals
Red meat/fatty fish and sweet potatoes for dinner
Shake with oats before bed
I promise you’ll gain weight if you lift on top of that. I’ll also post what I’ve been doing if it’ll help in the gym.
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Thats souns good man. I swear im not on here looking for a magic pill or magic anything in that matter. It was just simply what was recommened to me by another lifter. Was trying to see what others think and yall have concluded that he was a dumbass for even mentioning it. I am going to up my cals to atleast 4200 a day and stay on top of getting my protein levels higher through out theday even if i have to throw in another protein shake some where or oats smoothie. I really do apologize to everyone that i offended or pissed off that was not my intention at all.
I couldn’t disagree more.
My experience:
- Never eat until you are uncomfortable.
- Eat frequent, as in 6 times a day, getting 40 grams of protein every meal.
- Eat by the clock, not when you are hungry.
- If you feel hungry, you missed a meal time.
- Never over eat on any meal, because you won’t feel like eating come “meal time.” This is all about the clock.
Now, work out with heavy weights and watch the muscle come to you.
I do not mean this to sound antagonist, but more so just curiosity. In the last few years or so I’ve noticed almost no one on these forums recommends training legs 2 or more times/week anymore. I’m just wondering why that is. I have a very hard time wrapping my head around this, since the program you listed includes 23 upper body movements during the week vs. only 7 lower body. That’s just over 75% of the total volume being focused on upper body.
For beginners especially, where is the chance to adapt and get stronger when you only hit squats and deadlifts every 7 days? Even on my most brutal of leg days where I can barely walk up my steps when I get home and I’m occasionally dry heaving, I’m completely recovered 3 days later and ready to smash them again. One time I tried posting a good upper/lower 4-day template for beginners on here, but the only feedback I got was that it was “too much volume for legs.” So I’m not sure what I’m missing here. In general, it just seems like legs are crazy resilient, especially when you look at triathlon or crossfit athletes. It’s counterintuitive to me that bodybuilding where the entire sport is focused on gaining as much size everywhere as possible, is the one to only hit their legs 1x/week.
I am not sure I can make a good case for “actually” training legs more than twice a week. But that said, if you are not taking ample AAS, I also, cannot make a good case for training legs only once a week.
Disclaimer: Running is not “actually” training legs. Back in the 1970’s you commonly heard some people say that they train their legs by running. And I too was one of those until I entered my first contest (having absolutely no idea what to expect.)
Ive noticed a decline in younger guys wanting actual big quads. ( they might but not enough to push it hard )
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Very possible. I’m all about bringing up the booty personally.
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As trends go, I notice a good percentage of younger guys deadlifting, regardless of how much muscle they have. I cannot think of a bodybuilding exercise that produces less amount of visible muscle development for the amount of weight you can lift as the deadlift. Some of the guys who don’t look like they lift weights at all can pull a fair amount of weight. It is pretty much all through leverage of the skeleton structure.
The people I see now, at the gym that I am going, that do squats and leg presses are doing a little more than lockouts. I would guess that less than 20% could get at least two white lights in the squat at a powerlifting meet. And their leg press looks similar.
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The martini-glass figure became popular instead of the x-frame.
And it’s like the world serpent- no leg work, skinny jeans become cool, less leg work.
I can be that person. I make a great cheerleader and my splits are impressively wide.
So, whose gonna throw me in the air and whose gonna catch me while I cheer for these morons?
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Not antagonistic at all brother! I Left my 2nd leg day off of there because most newer gym goers are still living by the “legs ae the worst” mindset. I didn’t want to turn him completely off legs to start.
Training Split |
Repetitions |
10 |
8 |
8 |
6 |
Repetitions |
10 |
8 |
8 |
6 |
Dumbbell bench |
Dumbbell Row |
Flies |
Pull-Ups |
Incline Dumbbell |
Lat Pull Wide/Close |
Incline Flies |
Bent Row |
Low Pulley Flies |
Seated Row |
Repetitions |
10 |
8 |
8 |
6 |
Repetitions |
10 |
8 |
8 |
6 |
Preacher Curl |
Seated Rear Delt |
Skull Crushers |
Lat Raise |
Seated Curl |
Front Raise |
Dips |
Dumbbell Press |
Cable Curl |
Pulley Lat Raise |
Tricep Pushdowns |
LEGS #1 |
LEGS #2 |
Repetitions |
10 |
8 |
8 |
6 |
Repetitions |
10 |
8 |
8 |
6 |
Bulgarian Split |
Squat |
Hack Squat |
RDL Barbell* |
Leg Press |
Leg Extensions/Sissy |
Heel Elevated Goblet |
Leg Curl/Standing |
I will say thought, that I’m by no means a professional. This is a workout program I came up with for myself while deployed. I feel like it works for me, but just about everyone on ere is more knowledgeable and more experienced than I am.
Hopefully you start a log, post some starting pictures, and update us all on your progress. Good luck with your goals.
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My tonnage for leg day:
My tonnage for Push day:
My tonnage for Pull day:
I hit my second leg day in a week for the first time in years today. My performance drop was rough and my knees were hella pissed.
Not 100% sure how this correlates but I’m going to guess primary contributing factors are:
- CNS fatigue
- joint wear
- overall recovery needs
These are just that much more significant on legs than on upper body. I only feel like i need a nap after legs.