What up everyone, I’ve been lifting on and off a little bit for a couple years, but only in the last couple months got real serious (stupid girlfriend broke up w/ me…). Since then I’ve hit my strongest point ever increasing my bench working weight from 145 to 195 and going from 8 pull ups to 18 with no cheating. I haven’t plateaued really, here is the routine I’ve been using:
Day 1: Chest, Tris…40-50 sets, 4 exercises per set, 90 seconds rest. Enough weight for 5-8 reps to failure.
Day 2: Backs, Bis…same thing
Day 3: Rest
Been mixing in some cardio as well
Obviously there are a couple problems with this. For one, by completely neglecting my shoulders I can do 60 push ups but then my shoulders burn so bad I can’t continue and they are the first to give out. Gotta start working them in. Second, its a lot of sets, I’d prefer do a little less. I guess I am a little unique, I don’t care about working heavy with legs, I’d rather gain speed/athleticism unless I start to get out of whack size-wise.
Anyway I was thinking about switching to something like this:
Day 1: Chest (Tri’s secondary), 30 set range
Day 2: Back (Bi’s secondary), 30 set range
Day 3: Shoulders/Abs/little bit of cardio
Day 4: INSANITY (basically a cardio/plyo program, ton of jumping, kills my legs
Day 5: Bi’s/Tri’s
Occasional rest day thrown in there when I’m too busy
I’m 5’10, 180…about 20% BF according to my fancy scale.
Goals in order are:
Lower bf to 12% range
Get bigger upper body
Increase endurance
What do you guys think of the new plan? I’m a little concerned about overworking my tri’s since I’lll be hitting them on chest day, shoulder day, and arm day. Do you think this is a problem? Also, what day would you put stuff like dips/push ups, chest or arms?