I’ve been doing Ripptoes program for the past 2-3 months and have made some pretty good strength gains. Right now I’m 27 years old, 6’4 weigh 220 lbs. So far the most Ive done is benching 225 , Military press 155, squatting 290, and deadlifting 335. My numbers are still going up consistently for squats and deadlifts, and a little slower for the bench and military.
I’ve gained some muscle and some fat, went from weighing 187 to 220 in a year of off and on training, but I’ve been consistent lately. The main issue is that I have a huge pot belly and about 25% body fat, and my muscles arent as big as I’d like them to look yet. I know Ripptoes is a strength building program and I’ve been satisfied so far with the strength gains, but I ultimately want an amazing looking body while also increasing strength and better performance on the basketball court.
What would you recommend I do in the next few months. I’m thinking about sticking to Ripptoes until I stall on the squats and deadlifts, then going on a different routine, but not sure what to do yet. I need to lose this pot belly and get better looking muscles.
[quote]dapunisher1 wrote:
I’ve been doing Ripptoes program for the past 2-3 months and have made some pretty good strength gains. Right now I’m 27 years old, 6’4 weigh 220 lbs. So far the most Ive done is benching 225 , Military press 155, squatting 290, and deadlifting 335. My numbers are still going up consistently for squats and deadlifts, and a little slower for the bench and military.
I’ve gained some muscle and some fat, went from weighing 187 to 220 in a year of off and on training, but I’ve been consistent lately. The main issue is that I have a huge pot belly and about 25% body fat, and my muscles arent as big as I’d like them to look yet. I know Ripptoes is a strength building program and I’ve been satisfied so far with the strength gains, but I ultimately want an amazing looking body while also increasing strength and better performance on the basketball court.
What would you recommend I do in the next few months. I’m thinking about sticking to Ripptoes until I stall on the squats and deadlifts, then going on a different routine, but not sure what to do yet. I need to lose this pot belly and get better looking muscles. [/quote]
I’m in about the exact same position as you and my numbers are almost identical. I’m 5"11, 34, did starting strength. If you want to go a pure strength route, Madcow or the Texas Method is probably your best bet. If you’d rather focus more on size I’d go for a classic body-part split. I personally experience 1x per week per body part at far too infrequent - I’m doing a push day Sun and Wed and a pull day Mon and Thurs and it’s working well. I think you’d be crazy to drop starting strength as long as your numbers are going up, and you may consider putting in a full year on strength just to get stupid strong before switching over to a bb cycle. I mean really think about the trajectory you’re on - how badass would it be to pull 500, squat 400, bench 300 and press 200 - all of which are realistically doable for you in 12-24 months? Then again, you won’t get as big as you could going for pure strength.
I think it’s a fantasy to think you’re really going to lose the gut without some serious cardio. The general consensus and my personal experience as a fat dude currently losing weight (down from 33% to 25% in 6 months so far) is that steady state low intensity - meaning a 1 hour brisk walk 3-4 times per week is the ticket. High intensity stuff may cut weight faster, but part of that cut will be muscle mass.
I am in my second year of training and I use a 6-7 month cycle of training routines (beginning my 3rd cycle in Jan 2012), first 3 months I will do a basic strength program, than the second 3-4 months I do a bodybuilding split. I came back stronger on my 2nd strength program after the bodybuilding split, so I can’t say it doesn’t work. Both forms of training I use progression with heavier weights etc.
I think you should get your self on a bodybuilding split and take advantage of your strength gains to maximize your muscle growth. Unless you compete in power lifting, than I would stay on a strength program.
Lets face it, unless you compete, you strength train so you can move more weight when bodybuilding, so if you are getting a bit out of shape (fat stomach for instance), I think its time you use those strength gains to add some mass, than you could go back to strength focused training after you get a better body composition in 3-4 months. I do this because I started very weak, and although I’m much stronger than I was, I have a long way to go before I can hold my own against those I think are strong, for instance my max squat is only 125kg (275 pounds) so I have a long way to go.
Its only my 2 cents, but don’t let yourself get out of shape to much as its to hard to get back in shape.
I think it’s a fantasy to think you’re really going to lose the gut without some serious cardio. The general consensus and my personal experience as a fat dude currently losing weight (down from 33% to 25% in 6 months so far) is that steady state low intensity - meaning a 1 hour brisk walk 3-4 times per week is the ticket. High intensity stuff may cut weight faster, but part of that cut will be muscle mass.
Good Luck![/quote]
I agree with you about steady state, I think its the best for just fat loss (and walking in particular), but HIIT training won’t make you loose muscle if their is sufficient load/resistance. I’m thinking prowler/heavy sled pulls etc, for short intervals or burpees.
Its also good for GPP in the weight room.