I’m setting this log up mostly for myself but if anyone is interested or has any advice I’d appreciate it.
About me…
I’ve been working out since my junior year and I’m now finishing my senior year. I’ve had a pretty good diet and a good training program on the go for about half of the time I’ve been “Working out” I went from 120 pounds with no visible abs or any distinct muscles anywhere on my body to about 155 pounds with a visible six pack, fairly well developed arms, a muscular chest and back and pretty decent quads. I’ve had some success in Track and Field in the past few years. Overall, I’m a fairly fit guy.
Compare me to the average guy in high school and I’m one of those Greek statues. And that was good enough for me… for a while. I don’t hang out with many people who work out and so you always compare yourself to your friends. I got pretty cocky.
I recently was in Europe and I stuck my nose into a pretty dingy looking gym and took a look around. It was full of fucking BEASTS. I felt puny. Thats when I decided to stop being “the fit guy” and begin my transformation into “the freak”
Anyways. I’ll post a rough outline of my plan.
I’m going to train with a schedule that looks like this:
Day 1: Fullbody (Usually 5X5 of Squats, Weighted Dips and Weighted Chins)
Day 3: Upper body, horizontal plane push/pull (Usually heavy DB rows and some kind of pressing movement)
Day 5: Fullbody (5X5 Deads, Upright Rows, Military Press)
*I’ll then rest until I’m no longer sore anywhere and then repeat, except I will train horizontal upper body in the full body days and vertical on the upper body day.
My Diet Plan is to consume 3500-3800 calories per day including 200-250g of protein. I’ll consume carbs only at Breakfast, Lunch and Postworkout. I try to eat 5-6 times per day and my diet looks like this.
Breakfast - 6 Whole Eggs, a bowl of oatmeal, 2 fish oil, 1 BCAA
Lunch - Chicken/tuna and yam, potato or corn. Also chopped green veggies and 1 BCAA.
4:00ish - Protein Shake with olive oil in it or a bag of jerky and some fish oil caps.
6:00ish - Red meat or pork, large bowl of salad with dressing, 1 BCAA
7:15ish - PWO shake. Simple carbs and lots of protein. 1 BCAA
9:00 - Usually some leftover meat… if there is no meat then some eggs, a few tablespoons peanut butter.
The diet is to gain some weight with as little fat gain as possible. I’m sick of being fit, I want to be huge and ripped.
I did day 1 of my training program on Sunday and I’m on day 3 now. I’ll post on my training days to track how my diet and training are going. I’d love any comments/advice.