Beating A Dead Horse?

Hello everyone. My name is Craig. I have been an engineer for a railroad for the past 6 yrs. Been with them for 12. My diet is as much as possible to tote me for a while. My sleeping habits are as much as possible( due to no kind of regular schedule). I am called to work all hours of the day. I don’t mind the work, but the misery of being out of shape and about 35/40lbs over weight really sux.

Confession: I don’t have much personal drive to even try any physical fitness. I am ashamed. I know anything is better than none at all.
I do plan on incorporating some exercise despite my schedule. But my question is, besides a little exercise, would a fat burner be something to start off with? Are they worth taking and do they work?

If I could see some weight loss, then the “WOW” of that would be an encouragement to do more. Exercise that is. Or am I just Beating A Dead Horse account the irregular schedule I have? Thanks in advance!

[quote]LUV2BOOM wrote:

Confession: I don’t have much personal drive to even try any physical fitness. I am ashamed. I know anything is better than none at all.

We regret to inform you that you have found your way onto the wrong website. It might be in your best interest to hit that arrow in your upper left hand screen that is pointing to the left until you find your way back to Google. Then, type in the words “Men’s Health” and enjoy the ride.

Again, thank you for stopping by and have a good night.

SlimFast is great.

[quote]LUV2BOOM wrote:
I don’t mind the work, but the misery of being out of shape and about 35/40lbs over weight really sux.

Confession: I don’t have much personal drive to even try any physical fitness. I am ashamed. I know anything is better than none at all.
I do plan on incorporating some exercise despite my schedule. But my question is, besides a little exercise, would a fat burner be something to start off with? Are they worth taking and do they work?

If I could see some weight loss, then the “WOW” of that would be an encouragement to do more. Exercise that is. Or am I just Beating A Dead Horse account the irregular schedule I have? Thanks in advance!

Boom, what I think the Professor is trying to say (in a way that can only be appreciated after one has some experience on this site) is that you seem to be looking for short cuts right off the bat, and that just won’t fly 'round here.

You want fast results? Reduce your carb intake. Not reduced to zero, but reduced significantly. Want faster results? Try some HIIT cardio once a week, adding one HIIT session every 2 weeks until you’re doing it 4 times a week.

Jumping from a sedentary lifestyle directly to using fat burners would be like telling Jessica Alba to wear her Fantastic Four uniform to a drunken frat house. Sounds like a good idea, but somebody’s going to get hurt in the end.

I suggest you read a great article about nutrition, Dr. John Berardi’s 7 Habits:

Also, what can you do for exercise? Is there any chance you have a gym membership or any equipment at home? You’ve got to get active.

About the HIIT training I was talking about:

Boom, don’t be put off by the rough crowd around here. It is Testosterone Nation, so answers are rarely sugar-coated. But if you’re serious, there’s plenty of info floating around here (from the coaches/authors and from the members) to get you where you want to be, if you put the work in.

Professor, I’m not mad atcha. I appreciate your honesty. I stumbled up on this site by searching and reading up on energy drinks. And that is where my main problem lies. ( NO ENERGY)… Maybe I should have asked about what would give me energy enough to want to be active. With my abnormal schedule I feel drained all the time.

It probably sounds like I’m trying to make excuses of why I don’t get off my lazy ass and DO SOMETHING. Well, I am, but when you don’t feel like doing anything, it really sux. I was mearley asking because I don’t know. Maybe the “Beginners” forum should be “Post Beginners”.
Chris, I do have a small weight bench and an ab roller. Unfortunately the only use their getting is having to wipe the dust off of them. I will read the links you posted. Thanks for that. Also, LOL on the Jessica Alba thing. I would take one for the team and be the one that gets hurt at the party if she came dressed in that.
Just a quick note: I worked out of town for the better part on 1999 and joined a gym and was there everyday, faithfully. Started my morning off with a protein smoothie and some creatine and off to the gym. Free weights and some cardio was the routine.

Two guys worked out everyday I was there and one day one of them didn’t show up and the other one asked me to fill in. They would do a burnout session everyday. Well, I did what he did and I never felt better after a workout than I did that day. I don’t know what it was with the burnout thing, but it felt like I had shocked my body. I felt really good those 6 or 7 mnths of working out and I definetly miss it.

Ok, so your attitude is already improving from being here.

I would start out by making sure you get a balanced diet, follow the 7 habits, and drag your ass into gym 2-3 times per week.

If that doesn’t give you extra energy, I don’t know what would.

Put in some work, be patient, and the “WOW” at your own progress will suddenly jump out at you from the mirror, but there are no shortcuts, there is no such thing as 6 minute abs, magic diet pills, etc. There’s only good food, hard work, and happiness if that’s what you want.

So… you liked life better when you worked out regularly? Sounds like the horse ain’t dead, you just need to beat it harder. And beat it regularly with persistence and discipline.

For workouts you could do something that’s very simple, requires short workouts and can be done with minimal equipment - so you could just do it at home with what you got. I’m doing Dan John’s OLAD (one lift a day) program right now which fits all those requirements. The downside is that it’s pretty brutal… but you could use something that requires guts, persistence and the ability to motivate yourself, couldn’t you?

Alwyn Cosgrove has also written about some workouts which don’t require much time or equipment.

Diet: how much food can you carry with you and how long does it need to last? Can you do a half-pound of fish or meat (canned or smoked) every two-three hours?

[quote]steinnes wrote:
…there is no such thing as 6 minute abs…[/quote]

No. not six, seven. Seven minute abs.

Seven chipmunks sitting on a branch. Eating lots of sunflower seeds on my Uncle’s ranch.

Um, wait, what was I saying? Oh yeah. Boom, I was going to suggest something like DSmolken mentioned. It sounds like you have an all-or-nothing personality. You worked out for a bunch of months and you enjoyed it, but that was eight years ago.

I suggest trying to do a little something everyday to begin with. For seven days a week, you’re either doing a bit of weight training, a bit of cardio, or a bit of stretching (after a quick warm-up) each day.

I think that might get the iron bug back into you, and then we can kick it up a notch as we go. For the strength part, one or two exercises for 3 sets of 8 to begin with. At this point, I’m not too stressed about detailing an entire program, I just want to get that self-motivation back into you. That Billy Idol voice in your head that says “I want more, more, more.”

For the cardio, I’d try out that Running Man program from Christian Thibaudeau. Alot of people had some great results with it.

For stretching, just a 5 or 10 minute easy warm-up (walk around the block a few times, do some jumping jacks, shadow boxing, whatever.) And then hit whatever stretches you remember from high school gym class. Or take a look at:
The Lazy Man’s Guide to Stretching

and Harcore Stretching, Part 2 (it also contains a link to Part 1):

Chris Shugart has said that it takes about three weeks of consistently doing “something” to turn it into a habit. So, By early April, you should be back on the horse.

All the advice in the world isn’t going to do jack unless you use it.

You have no goal right now and that is your problem. Find someone you want to look like and make it your goal to attain their physique. Setting a goal will give you the energy and purpose you lack.

[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:
steinnes wrote:
…there is no such thing as 6 minute abs…

No. not six, seven. Seven minute abs.

Seven chipmunks sitting on a branch. Eating lots of sunflower seeds on my Uncle’s ranch.

Hahah glad someone caught the reference :wink:

I’d bet that you have no energy because you aren’t eating enough.

That’s just a guess though.

The best start is to do something. NOW. C’mon, get off the chair, step back from the computer and do ten bw squats. Catch your breath and do another ten. Same again. Now do ten pushups (from your knees if you can’t manage ten regular pushups). Then another ten. Then another ten.

I bet you feel better already.

Now do this every day for the next three weeks. Tomorrow will probably be the toughest, when you are sore from today’s. Suck it up. Do them when you get out of bed. By the end of the three weeks, you will be ready for more. Spend some of your time over the next three weeks reading the “Are You a Beginner II” thread near the top of the Beginners Forum. Then you will have an idea of where to go from there.

(Waterbury’s Big Boy Basics might be a good place to start, if you have access to a gym. If not, keep doing the bodyweight stuff and start to increase the volume/intensity.)

You feel better after you work out. You know what? All of us, every one of the hardcore lifters, has struggled with not wanting to go to the gym or the track on a given day. Being drained completely of energy day in and day out. Going without sleep.

The difference between us and you is that we sack up and do it anyway. Maybe not much. Maybe no personal bests. Maybe only 1 or 2 exercises. Maybe only a couple laps or 5 minutes jogging. But we sack up and go there just to say that we did it and didn’t quit. It doesn’t take much, but until you set yourself on fire, nothing does any good. Especially not fat burners.

I can relate to this work schedule. Now, I didn’t work this way for years on end, but this summer I worked 2 jobs full time, for a total of 95+ hours a week. Heavy construction, and baseball umpiring. Get up at 5:30, go to bed at 11:30.

I lost 25lb of muscle, but I still kept up my workout schedule until the last two weeks of the summer. You know what? The best I felt all summer was after I finished a workout. They were the only things keeping me sane, and the only things that kept me from losing all that muscle AND getting fat at the same time. You gotta do what you gotta do.

Start small. Something every day, no exceptions except Sunday maybe. Just do something for a few minutes as soon as you get up, or as soon as you get home. Don’t give yourself any time to sit down and get even more tired. Just do something.

Pushups, then situps, then bodyweight squats. Whatever. Buy a couple 20-30 lb dumbbells and do overhead presses, rows, lunges, bench presses, lateral raises, and bent raises. Whatever. Just do it.

Beating a dead horse is continuing an attempt to “convince” a guy who claims they simply are not interested enough to put much effort in that they will feel so much better if they do.

The people who stick with this…the ones who actually have that drive to hit the gym even if they aren’t feeling the best…don’t need to be “convinced”. They have already decided that this is who they are.

Shit, there are TONS of people on “” who are just waiting for you all to “convince” them too. I suggest a field trip in mass numbers.

Wow, I just got in from playing golf( with a cart) and the casino and read these posts. First let me say that I laughed at some of the punches some of you threw. Don’t get me wrong, I really appreciate your feedback and will definetly use it.

I just found it to be a little funny that you’re not afraid to tell it like it is. Please don’t take the humor I found in some of the comments the wrong way. I value your opinions and knowledge. Some people need to be reminded that the fat isn’t just gonna fall off one day no matter how you wish for it to.

As far as eating, when I eat I usually eat big so it will tote me as far as i can go. I’m usually on a train for 10 to 12 hours and have nowhere to stop and eat. I could bring something, and sometimes do, but I’ll have it all ate up before I get 40 miles out of town.

I know what your gonna say, " Be responsible enough to bring you something that’s good for you and eat in moderation". A little easier said than done, but not impossible.

I thank ya’ll very much for the response. I needed this little pep talk. I WILL peel my lazy ass out of this computer chair and start some sortof exercise tomorrow. The CHAIR is gonna give me a hard time though. I may have to put some Chuck Lidell moves on it. Surely I’m in shape enough to kick a chairs ass…LOL…

I’m going to post back in these three weeks you have suggested and give an update. You’re right though, and I have said it myself, everyday for three weeks of most anything and you will have developed a habit for it.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
Beating a dead horse is continuing an attempt to “convince” a guy who claims they simply are not interested enough to put much effort in that they will feel so much better if they do.

The people who stick with this…the ones who actually have that drive to hit the gym even if they aren’t feeling the best…don’t need to be “convinced”. They have already decided that this is who they are.

Shit, there are TONS of people on “” who are just waiting for you all to “convince” them too. I suggest a field trip in mass numbers.[/quote]

ProfessorX, You goin down…This fatboy engineer’s gonna prove you wrong. Not sure what that first para meant, but I’m sure you’re right about the “Wanna be convinced” people out there. But there are some people who just need a little boost or a word of encouragement.

Hell, don’t stereotype everyone that comes along with the same issue and tell them they’re on the wrong site and try to discard them like they’re not good enough to be here or whatever. I may be reading you all wrong, but that’s what I see. I’m also sure that you probably have some great knowledge too share.

I’m not tryin to bash you by no means. I have no reason to. I’m also aware of the fact that this and a ton of other different types of forums have a bunch of people that just come in and out and it can be frustrating to the regulars who are really trying to help someone.

I came here honest in search of more knowledge than I had only to have someone try and run me off. I don’t appreciate that. If I’m misunderstood on your last post then please forgive me on mine.

[quote]LUV2BOOM wrote:
ProfessorX, You goin down…This fatboy engineer’s gonna prove you wrong. Not sure what that first para meant, but I’m sure you’re right about the “Wanna be convinced” people out there. But there are some people who just need a little boost or a word of encouragement.

Hell, don’t stereotype everyone that comes along with the same issue and tell them they’re on the wrong site and try to discard them like they’re not good enough to be here or whatever. I may be reading you all wrong, but that’s what I see. I’m also sure that you probably have some great knowledge too share.

I’m not tryin to bash you by no means. I have no reason to. I’m also aware of the fact that this and a ton of other different types of forums have a bunch of people that just come in and out and it can be frustrating to the regulars who are really trying to help someone.

I came here honest in search of more knowledge than I had only to have someone try and run me off. I don’t appreciate that. If I’m misunderstood on your last post then please forgive me on mine. [/quote]

Someone in search of knowledge simply goes and finds it. They don’t need to declare they are now searching or inform the masses of their quest. This is one game where no one gives a shit about talk alone.

What you write means nothing until you actually have some action backing it up…and right now, you have NONE. There are hundreds of guys like you that roll through here. I remember one claiming he had read this site for TWO YEARS before he even started lifting weights.

People like this are like those irritating people sitting on equipment while talking on their cell phone when you are really trying to get that last set in. Until you hang up and get focused, you are simply in the way. Sorry if that hurts.

[quote]LUV2BOOM wrote:
I WILL peel my lazy ass out of this computer chair and start some sortof exercise tomorrow. [/quote]

I said NOW, not tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes. It is always today.

[quote]steinnes wrote:
Chris Colucci wrote:
steinnes wrote:
…there is no such thing as 6 minute abs…

No. not six, seven. Seven minute abs.

Seven chipmunks sitting on a branch. Eating lots of sunflower seeds on my Uncle’s ranch.

Hahah glad someone caught the reference :wink:

somebody just saw there’s something about mary…