Hi CT.
I’m at the start of week 2 of BTA DB Block 2. It only occurred to me, between the mechanical dropsets for legs, pressing, pulling etc, the rest period on each box says 15 sec. Does that mean I do the whole 9 in a circuit fashion, from squat pattern down to core work, or is that a mistake on the PDF?
Edit, given that I just this moment finished reading your EOD article. The science makes complete sense, so this question is more out of curiosity. Louie Simmons likes to recommend extra workouts between the 4 main Westside workouts to improve recovery, stating they are even more important for natural lifters than juiced ones to be able to recover. What’s the logic or science there, given that your EOD article clearly says that you pretty much interfere with the recovery process if you train on those days between your heavy sessions? I’d be very curious to see your take on this one.
Edit 2: Also, while planning my new training phase it just came to me, using the principles of EOD Training, how would one introduce conditioning? Obviously a walk can be done any day, but what about moderately intense conditioning, like a mile run, or a series of 200-400m runs, a few sprints or hill sprints? Where would it be best to put these with the intention of doing 1, maximum 2 per week on top of weight training primarily for strength, and some size?
Thank you for your time Coach!