So I’m going to be going on vacation for about 5-6 days in a few weeks (sweet!) and just bought some Biotest BCAAs. I wanted to know from you regular BCAA users what would be a good amount to take daily in order to get the right amount.
I’m probably only going to take them 2x a day (morning, night) just for convenience.
I haven’t used BCAAs in about 18mo so I forget most of the dosing protocols.
I’m 6-1 and 205lbs and plan to eat low protein and lower calories this week.
I’m going to do my best to keep my food intake healthy; but it’s not going to be 100%.
It seems as though no one wants to touch this one with a 20 ft pole…
while I am not knowledgeable enough to say “take X grams Y times per day”, I can say that I remember seeing that as little as 5 grams of bcaa’s can stop catabolism (probably more for bigger guys, less for little wimps like me). it may be most beneficial to take 5+ grams in the middle of the two times of day when you go the longest without food. also, if you’re having a pre-bed shake, they might not be necessary then.
Take as much as possible. My goal would be to take the whole bottle while on vaca. Split up the dosages between meals and make sure to have some before bed and upon rising before breakfast. If you’re able to lift, then take them pre peri and post depending on your protein situation.