BBB: More Rows/Chins? 5x10 Lift Variations?


So ive began te ran the 531 program a couple months ago and reading alot in the books,posts etc.
But i guess im getting kinda caught up in all the info
So i got some basic questions which have probably been answered a million times but i cant find a clear answer so.

Im following the standard BBB
Day One
Press – 5/3/1
Bench Press – 5 sets of 10 reps
Lat work – 5 sets of 10 reps
Day Two
Deadlift – 5/3/1
Squat – 5 sets of 10 reps
Abs – 5 sets
Day Three
Bench Press – 5/3/1
Press – 5 sets of 10 reps
Lat work – 5 sets of 10 reps
Day Four
Squat – 5/3/1
Deadlift – 5 sets of 10 reps
Abs – 5 sets

Like this but should i add any more rows supersetted with bench and add more chins supersetted with press?

And is it recommended to change the 5x10 mainlift sets with a variation of that lift
Example bench–close grip bench

Again im sorry but i just get caught up in what different people say


This i mean as example:

Day One
Press – 5/3/1
Incline bench Press – 5 sets of 10 reps
Lat work – 5 sets of 10 reps

Day Two
Deadlift – 5/3/1
Olympic squat – 5 sets of 10 reps
Abs – 5 sets

Day Three
Bench Press – 5/3/1
Fat bar Press – 5 sets of 10 reps
Lat work – 5 sets of 10 reps

Day Four
Squat – 5/3/1
Trap bar deadlift – 5 sets of 10 reps
Abs – 5 sets

to change the mainlift to a very similiar lift
and do i need to superset my bench and press 5/3/1 sets aswell with a pull up or row?

hm… this has been written about extensively… on jim’s blog, in his books, the forums… but hey just start another topic

The more typical way to do a “standard BBB”:

  • Use the same lift for the 531 and supplement.
  • Pick assistance from each category (push, pull, lower/core) and do 25-50 reps (or even 50-100 depending on your assistance choices.
  • Be smart with your assistance choices. If you are doing 531 and BBB squats for the day, choose a core assistance rather than lower body. If you are doing a heavy pressing 531 and BBB, choose an easier “push”, like tricep push downs or push ups, rather than something like DB bench.

You can use rows/chins for your pulling assistance every workout. It looks like in your template you are only choosing a single assistance category each time. You can definitely increase the variety and volume of your assistance work if you can handle it.