Hi Jim,
After doing some cycles of using FSL and jokers, I’m doing the BBB template as written (except for bench press, torn labrum) to change things up and do a bit of ‘mass’ training (fist cycle almost over).
Started to wonder and my question is; are jokers and FSL etc that you wrote about in beyond to be added only in a standard routine and not when you are doing the templates. e.g. since I’m doing BBB I should not add jokers or do you still use the ‘go as you are feeling’ attitude.
Thank you
Jim Wendler: “You don’t do Boring but big and the jokers/FSL. Check out the training in the Beyond book as it is all separated in 6 week blocks and you are able to focus on specific goals - not going everything at one time.” http://tnation.T-Nation.com/free_online_forum/jim-wendler-531/beyond_531
When you are doing BBB, no jokers. This is for many reasons but the main one is simple: BBB is not to be used by people who should be taking max singles. The vast majority, anyway.
Plus, goals.
I just read beyond yesterday. It has a lot of great ideas in it! But, I don’t understand why you should not use jokers with bbb but you should with lsf. Seems to me like lsf is the same thing as the follow up 5x10 @50% sets in the bbb. So, if the joker sets work so well with fsl, why don’t they work with bbb?
[quote]irfhdah wrote:
I just read beyond yesterday. It has a lot of great ideas in it! But, I don’t understand why you should not use jokers with bbb but you should with lsf. Seems to me like lsf is the same thing as the follow up 5x10 @50% sets in the bbb. So, if the joker sets work so well with fsl, why don’t they work with bbb?[/quote]
Please read above.