The weird weights behind the comma does the calculator. I had to fill in my 1 rep wendler max. I thought that’s 85% of my real 1 rep max. The calculator fills in the weights itself with decimal places apparently.
I know what you mean. tomorrow I’m going to take pen and paper and I’m going to make the schedule myself. It is also possible to do it like this anyway
I also looked up the schedule on t-nation.
This makes it a lot easier.
So if I understand everything correctly:
I’m picking up a weight that allows me to do 5 reps for bench,press,squat and deadlift.
I divide the kilos by 100 and multiply the percentages. The result are my work weights.
The BBB sets I start at 50%, do I build the percentages as well? This is a bit unclear.
My dumbells are not heavy enough. Should I substitute this exercise for incline bench press or fly’s?
I also have no leg press and leg curl. As soon as my gym opens again I can do these exercises.
I can replace the leg press for front squat. Should I replace the leg curl for romanian deadlifts?
should i write the weights down from the BBB excercise or just go heavy and don’t keep track of it.