BBB 3 Month Challenge: Optional Exercises/1RM/Weight Questions

Hi everyone,

i want to do the 3 months BBB challenge before i start cutting, too add some mass.

Current stats:
Press 1 × 55
Bench Press 1 × 120
Squat 1 × 110
Deadlift 1 × 160

Press is not so high, because i never did it. I only did seated dumbell press. (1rm on seated dumbell press is 40)

I have a few questions about the BBB Challenge.

  1. for my optional lifts (curls, tricep pushowns and facepulls) which weight should i start with?

  2. I miss some side delts excercise. Can i superset facepulls and side delts raises?

  3. i never go beyond my 1rm. my heavist lift on deadlift for example is: 143kg. my 1rm is 160. How can i progess in strenght if i never hit my pr?

  4. Can i lose mass in the 1st month?


Edit: and what about calves? i used too do calves everyday. Can i just do them in the beginning of my training?

What’s your current bodyweight and general bodyfat?

A weight that allow you to get 10 reps, where reps 9 and 10 are kinda tough but doable.

When the plan is followed as written, it works. I’d bet a bottle of hand sanitizer that you’re in no position to actually need to worry about lateral delts or calves. Focus on the big stuff and you’ll grow.

When you follow the plan correctly, you’re always hitting a PR, just not a 1RM. This question demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of 5/3/1. Re-read the manual.

You can, but if you do, it’s because you screwed up your nutrition.


Thank you for your response

1,79cm 80kg and 12,6% BF

Ok. So i pick for example 35kg. when i completed every 5 sets of 10 reps, then i increase the weight with 2.5kg and so on

Ok great.

I don’t have the manual. so i can’t re-read it :slight_smile:

Ok. My nutrition is on point.

Well, you don’t do 5x10 for curls/pressdowns/face pulls. Those are 1-3x10. Don’t worry about increasing the weight a certain amount, just go by feel. Really though, I’d pay more attention to your lagging lower body than the arm stuff.

That can be fixed for about 90 seconds of time and around $20. It’ll answer a bunch of questions, as well as show appreciation for the guy who created the program.

You’ve gained about one pound of bodyweight in the last 14 months.


[qoute]Well, you don’t do 5x10 for curls/pressdowns/face pulls. Those are 1-3x10. Don’t worry about increasing the weight a certain amount, just go by feel. Really though, I’d pay more attention to your lagging lower body than the arm stuff.[/qoute]

Yes you are right. 3 sets. I know my lags are lagging. Had a runners knee for a very long time. Haven’t trained my legs very hard because of my knee problem.

The problem is thad the book is in english. i’m from holland. But i’ll give it a try.

You can see i had 15% bodyfat instead of 12,6. And thad was a geuss. Maybe it was higher.
Kcal intake is 3750kcal. i work at the office.

Are your bodyfat estimates from DEXA scans? 12.6 is so specific.

And not gaining weight? DOUBT. What does a day of eating look like for you?

No. Measured at the General practice center. Who says anything about not gaining weight? I lost weight and gained muscle is the last year. My lifts also higher then year before.

500ml milk
100mg oats
20g whey
Frozen fruit
1 banana
I do everything in blender.

2 sandwich with peanutbutter
2 sandwich with chicken

100g rice
200g vegetebles
150g chicken

4 sanwich chicken

Evening dinner:
Meat(dont care what)
Vegetebales as many i want
Patatos as many i want

Then after training

100g oats
20g whey
1 banana

For bed
500g cottage cheese
30g mixed nuts

Can i deload every 6 weeks? So when I have my deload day, I start my next cycle.

And what about 5x5 programs? the only problem is that it’s 3 days.i doubt 5/3/1 is enough volume.


What about them?

For what?

So how does it work? Do I start the new cycle on deload day?

Maybe I should have given some more info :stuck_out_tongue: are they more effective than 5/3/1? and is there a 4 day 5x5 bodybuidling program?

I’m afraid it’s too little volume

Yes. 2 cycles back to back is fine, if your recovery is on point. The 3 month challenge is a challenge, so make sure you’re paying attention to this towards the later stages.

For what goal?
I personally think that 531 is about as good a program as you’re likely to get, if your goals align with the program and as long as you don’t fuck it up.

Again, for what goal? Have you started running the program yet? If so, did you feel like you weren’t doing enough work? Try it first, push yourself as hard as you can on the listed program, then see if you feel you want to add more.

It isn’t, but you can always slow down your eccentric and suffer some more.

If I understand correctly. Everything’s moving.
normally it is:
Monday: 5
Tuesday: 3
Friday: deload

Now it’s gonna be:
Monday: 5
Tuesday: 3

Then Monday: 3
Tuesday: 1
Thursday 5 and so on.

[quote]For what goal?
I personally think that 531 is about as good a program as you’re likely to get, if your goals align with the program and as long as you don’t fuck it up.[/quote]

For mass and strenght.

I’m doing the first week now. So can’t say much about it yet. Wonder what it’s gonna bring.

yes you’re right.

Nope, sorry, you haven’t gotten that right.


Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 (increase TM) Week 5 Week 6 Week 7
Set 1 65% x 5 70% x 3 75% x 5 65% x 5 70% x 3 75% x 5 deload
Set 2 75% x 5 80% x 3 85% x 3 75% x 5 70% x 3 85% x 3 deload
Set 3 85% x 5 90% x 3 95% x1 85% x 5 70% x 3 95% x 1 deload


Month 1 Month 2 Month 3
Set 4-9 50% x 10 60% x 10 70% x 10

Oke thank you. now i get it i think. i used the black iron beast calculator. On my 4th day, i start the frist day of my second week right? i can’t see the percentages, so i dont know if its 65%

And do I need to take a complete rest for 1 week or can I take 40% less weight and just train?

No, you have 4 training days per week. Using the article as an example,

a training week can look like,

Monday: Press/bench
Tuesday: Deadlift/squat
Thursday: Bench/press
Friday: Squat/deadlift

So, on your 4th day, you finish your first week.

Here, in my reply, or at the calculator site?

Ahhh. Oke. I thought day 4 was a deload week with less weight… My bad. I just complete 7 weeks and then deload. No rocket science.
Should i take on deload a off week?

On the calculator.

You complete 6 weeks and deload on week 7.

You can take a complete week off, if you want to. Or you can either work up to 100% of your training max and aim for 3-5 reps (feel free to do more) or just work up to 100% of your training max and have that be it.

Then it’s not a deload is it? i thought deload was a week off or do the same with 60% of your 1rm.