BBB 3 Month challenge calculations.

Curious if anyone can give me some insight on this. I’ve read the 5/3/1 books and have been dedicated to the program for over a year now and love it. I’ve decided I want to add some size and am trying the BBB 3 month challenge. Every other program has you increasing your training max by 5-10 lbs dependent on the lift at the completion of each cycle. My only question with the challenge is this: basing the 5x10 sets on 50%,60% and then 70% each month respectively. Do I still increase my training max each month? And then calculate my percentages based off the new TM. For example. My deadlift max is 500 with a TM of 450. So the first month I calculate all my 5/3/1 lifts off of that and then do 50% of my TM making it 5x10x225.

Then the second month do I treat it like every other program making my new TM 460 and base my 5/3/1 sets off 460 and now use 60% of 460 making it now 5x10x275? Or do I continue to use the 450 for the 5x10 lifts making it 60% of 450 creating a 5x10x270? I know we’re only talking a few lbs but am still curious and want to do the program as intended. Thanks to anyone that can help.

I don’t believe there is any template which doesn’t base all loads off the TM for the current cycle.

[quote]JAK44 wrote:
Curious if anyone can give me some insight on this. I’ve read the 5/3/1 books and have been dedicated to the program for over a year now and love it. I’ve decided I want to add some size and am trying the BBB 3 month challenge. Every other program has you increasing your training max by 5-10 lbs dependent on the lift at the completion of each cycle. My only question with the challenge is this: basing the 5x10 sets on 50%,60% and then 70% each month respectively. Do I still increase my training max each month? And then calculate my percentages based off the new TM. For example. My deadlift max is 500 with a TM of 450. So the first month I calculate all my 5/3/1 lifts off of that and then do 50% of my TM making it 5x10x225.

Then the second month do I treat it like every other program making my new TM 460 and base my 5/3/1 sets off 460 and now use 60% of 460 making it now 5x10x275? Or do I continue to use the 450 for the 5x10 lifts making it 60% of 450 creating a 5x10x270? I know we’re only talking a few lbs but am still curious and want to do the program as intended. Thanks to anyone that can help. [/quote]

Raise your lower body movements 10 lbs on your training maxes and calculate. Raise your upper body movements 5 lbs and calculate. You do not use your old Training Maxes. Your 5x10 weights will go up each cycle.