[quote]apwsearch wrote:
elliotnewman1 wrote:
apwsearch wrote:
elliotnewman1 wrote:
Hanley wrote:
I think that alot of the time he talks out of his arse. I know I’m gonna get seriously flamed for that but he’s in business so he needs USPs. And ideas like that seem to be his.
I have to disagree! I see what Poliquin’s saying about the bb row. I’ve seen very few people do it with strict form.
That’s a stupid fucking statement.
Quit worrying about other people’s form and worry about your own. Form sucks? Take the weight down and tighten up.
The only reason people want to accept the dumbbell row argument is because they are easier. Period.
Fuck, most gyms don’t even have heavy enough bells for a reasonably strong lifter to get a meaningful workout, anyway.
Quit being a bunch of pussies and load the bar.
Just don’t be one of those douche bags doing a modified shrug calling it a row. If you are going to row, then for the love of God, row.
R u always so friendly??
I wasnt saying i dont do bb rows very often because other people dont do them right, i was just saying very few people do them right.
As i explained in an earlier post, when im squatting and romanian deadlifting in my program i dont think my low back needs any more strain. Therefore my back workouts usually consist of some of the following…weighted chins/pull up’s, hammer strength rows or one arm db rows.
And my backs probably my best bodypart.
No, you caught me on one of my better days.
What I read in your post is akin to you saying to me “I am good enough so I don’t need to do anything different, and I certainly wouldn’t want to work any harder.”
You state that you think your back gets enough “strain” doing squats and RDL’s.
I find this pretty fucking amusing. I would state it sounds to me like you need to raise your work capacity.
Allow me to remind you this is the strength sports forum.
Most people posting here will never feel they are good enough and will leave no rock unturned in their quest for strength. We will always be looking for an edge.
So, congratulations on being satisfied but don’t expect to find many on this forum echoing that same sentiment.[/quote]
Right on.
It would be better if threads from this subforum never got put on the main page. It draws too many jokers in.
If you’re not a strength athlete yourself, know that in general, powerlifters, weightlifters and strongmen have their shit together, train hard, and aren’t particularly fond of mental masturbation. Try not to do it here.
Also, try not to talk about which of your bodyparts you find the most attractive, or how you are afraid to strain your back.
Thanks, very much.
p.s. Barbell rows are good…Pendlay/JS rows are great if you do them right.