Batman vs. Superman

Who do you think would win in a fight between Batman and Superman? I’m with Batman, he always finds a way to beat his opponents. Can the editors please respond to this question too?

Superman of course!

Unless Batman has access to some pharmaceutical grade
Kryptonite gear…and everyone knows that Kryptonite is EXTREMELY catabolic!!!

Although I like Batman more than Superman, I have to go with Superman on this one.

I think Mighty Mouse could kick both of their asses!

thor,thor,thor. he was a god for christ’sakes.
but between superman and batman, you have to give it to the alien.
speaking of batman, why didn’t he ask batgirl to be his sidekick?
do you think he was sweet on the boywonder?

Superman is infinite times stronger and faster. he has that ice breathe thing too. batman doesn’t stand a chance.

BATMAN very easily!!! Since batman always has everything to get out of a jam you know he has some kryptonite hangin around! (remember that shit?) after that superman turns into a huge pussy and his powers are gone. david spade could kick his ass!

Check out dark knight returns , batman cleaned supes clock with a little krytonite and armor.but i still think superman should win