I normally keep a log of my workouts as it is, so it seems apt to post them in this section. My workouts change up quite a bit depending on a number of factors, primarily my sport.
Right now we’re coming to an end in the season, so I’ve been working mainly on maintaining my strength, with a slight emphasis on strength gain. My size work has been basically cut, mainly because with our travel schedule it’s hard to maintain a proper diet. I’ll try and post some more information about my situation with each additional post, but right now I’ll keep it brief and post some of my workouts from the past couple weeks.
All lifts posted are in KG’s unless otherwise noted. Notation is (Weight)/(Reps)
Deadlift: 50/10, 70/8, 100/5, 120/3, 140/3 (5 sets)
DB Bench (in lbs): 50/10, 60/5, 65/5, 70/3, 75/3 (2 sets)
Bent Row: 60/10 (4 sets)
Hanging Leg Raises: BW/10, 15lbs/10 (2 sets)
Back Squats: 60/5, 80/5, 90/3, 100/3, 110/3 (3 sets)
Hack Machine Good Mornings: 270lbs/8 (3 sets)
Wide-Grip Pullups: BW/6, BW/6, BW/6, BW/4
BB Bench: 60/6, 70/5, 80/2
HLR’s: BW/10 (3 sets)
Front Squat: 60/5, 72.5/5, 90/3, 100/3 (2 sets)
Power Clean: 60/3, 70/3, 80/2, 90/1 (5 sets)
Hack Machine GM’s: 270lbs/8 (4 sets)
DB Bench (in lbs) : 50/10, 55/8, 65/5, 70/3, 75/2 (3 sets)
Wide Grip Bent Rows: 50/10 (4 sets)
HLR’s: BW/10 (2 sets)
Jump Squats: 70/3 (4 sets)
Front Squat: 65/5, 80/5, 90/3, 97.5/3, 100/3 (2 sets)
Step-ups: 50/5 (5 sets)
Reverse Hypers: 60/8 (3 sets)
Pull-ups: BW/8, BW/6, BW/5
Lateral DB Raise/Bent Over DB Raise (I do both of these with the same weight and for the same number of reps): 10lbs/8 (3 sets)
DB Bench: 60/8 (3 sets)
HLR’s: BW/15 (3 sets)
Front Squat: 60/5, 70/5, 80/5, 90/3, 100/3, 110/1 (5 sets)
Power Clean: 60/3, 70/3, 80/2, 90/2 (2 sets)
Rev. Hypers: 60/8 (4 sets)
DB Bench (in lbs): 55/5, 65/5, 70/3, 75/3
Prone Row: 60/8 (4 sets)
HLR’s: BW/15 (3 sets)
As you can see the amount of weight I use is not exorbitant. Right now we’re just trying to preserve what muscle mass we’ve built up, without overtraining ourselves during season. I’ll post more info on myself with later workouts.