Greetings T-Warriors! I wanted to see if any of you know for sure if shakes are much better quality than bars. I stick to mostly shakes and have one bar a week, but sometimes I run in a situation where it is absolutly impossible to drink a shake that I have to eat a bar. after eating one, I kind of feel guilty because I feel that I´m just eating a candybar instead of real protein since some bars taste so good!So what I do is eat one bar a week as a treat. But I know there will be more times when I´ll have to replace a bar for a shake. I just want to make sure that I´m cosuming quality protein. Since Biotest will be coming out with ADANCED PROTEIN BARS, will those be just as good as a serving of Grow!? What do you think JB? T-Staff and T-warriors? JB, I know your a busy man, but would you consider a study on protein bar quality and their effects on diets? Thank you!