Barbell Press Form Review

Any feedback appreciated.

Not entirely strict with 90 kg . It was about throat level. I cannot do a front rack properly. I have been using dumbbells exclusively for a while.

In my mind, pressing with bent knees like that just looks terrible for your lower back. I haven’t got experience pressing standing from pins so somebody feel free to correct me. I just believe the standing press is all about creating a stable base to push from and doing it like that leaves too much margin for error.

Hips and glutes need to be tight under your body, removing any anterior pelvic tilt. The tighter you make your entire body, the better the base to push from.


That was just get into position I hope any way. You may be right . I did slo mo it too. I couldn’t get quite the right height I needed. There are no powerracks as such.
It a little dangerous as it rolls back on the rack too.
I’ll post a dumbbell press for comparison

I see no value in doing max singles, even as a powerlifter. So there’s that.

IMO, it would be much more instructive to see a video of you performing something like your 8 rep max. I would like to see your form when the weight feels light, then as you approach failure, see how your form breaks down.

That said, you seemed to perform your overhead barbell press with not much back bend.


Ii will get a Video . But I fail at the start and struggle mid way I think.thanks

I would just recommend to push your head “through the window” a bit more at lockout. You get way better deltoid recruitment that way and your shoulders are very strong in that position.