OK, so heres some background info, i’ve been doing a linear 5x5 for the last year or so and have stagnated in most lifts so i think its time to change things up a bit, aiming primarily at hypertrophy (maybe a bit more focused towards chest as its most lagging).
I’d like to train more than 3 times a week, as iv got my own power rack its not hard to find the time.
What i have available: Olympic barbell + 240kg of weight, Pullup bar, Dip bars, flat/incline bench, dipping belt.
Like i said i’ve been doing 5x5 for a while so id like to mix up the rep ranges a bit more to give my body a bit of a change.
Rough idea of my workout
Day 1-
Squats 3x10
Flat bench 4x8
Weighted pullups 4x8
Dips 3x10
Curls 3x10
Day 2-
Incline bench 4x8
Deadlifts 4x8
Weighted chins 4x8
Close grip bench 4x8
Hanging leg raises 3x12
Day 3-
Squats 4x8
Military presses 3x8
Rows 3x8
Pullovers 3x10
Weighted situps 4x10
Day 4- Rest
SO what do you guys think? Complete crap or…?