I am starting to get more and more serious about my powerlifting and it is time for me to get at least some chains. Maybe some bands too. Where can I get these things like dirt cheap, anyone know?? I went to Elite fitness but they are so damn expenisve where can i buy this stuff? It doesn’t even have to be top of the line stuff just so it serves its purpose I’m good. Also if anyone knows where to find an inexpensive dragging sled that would be good. Thanks
Get chains from a hardware store or other local source. you can make your own sled, just search for details. My father is a landscaper so I can use a sled that he has for trees
I think that this was talked about earliier. You can get chains from a tractor supply store or somehwere like that. Home Depots and places like that usually dont carry 1/2" or 5/8" chain. I wouldn’t be worried about bands right now if you are still fairly new.
Oh I’m not new ive been a bodybuilder for a few years and am now getting serious about powerlifting.
Bands are AWESOME, and much easier to carry around than a big set of chains. Also there are many more ways to utilize bands if you get creative. I am ordering a set this week from www.ironwoodyfitness.com They were reviewed here, and everyone said the product was great, and relatively cheap as far as bands go.
Yes bands are awesome but they serve a completely different purpose than chains. People still seem to think that they are interchangable. When I said new, I meant new to powerlifting. Most people who are new to powerlifting do not need to use bands when squatting or benching anyways.Meaning people who are not at least near a Master or Elite total.
i think i would consider myself intermediate. i have a very good base of strength from very low rep bodybuilding training and from football training. i just need to add something new to move my numbers up.
i also have another question. i am going to order the bands from iron woody. how do i set up the bands? can i just wrap it around a bar and put both ends around the end of the bar? or should i only have one end over the bar?
Im a Jumpstretch man myself but you can go to the Elite Fitness website to see how to correctly set up bands for squat and bench.
I guess the bands that you mentioned would work the same.
For information on setting up the bands in various exercises go to EliteFTS.com. You will find everything you need to know, if you just look a little.
Accomodate some resistance,
As far as getting chains “dirst cheap” … good luck. I looked all over the place “locally” for 5/8" chains, which nobodya had. One place said they would order it for me, but it cost the same as Elite. What I finally ended up doing was getting 4 5 foot lengths of 1/2" chain for $90. I saved 40 bucks over Elite’s shipping cost, BUT bear in mind that I already had a set of 5/8" chains which meant that I already had the quarter inch chain and 2 carabiners for the set up. Since you have no chains, you’ll have to add this cost in. I would suggest it’s worth it to jsut get it from ELite for your first set so you know what you are getting.