Bagsy's Training Log

It turns out that I’m really bad at logging. I’ve let lifting fall by the wayside a little bit – still training, but I am not following much of a program besides doing some WALRUS-style stuff a few times per week and the big lifts once per week or so.

I’ve had simply too much to do. I’m trying to defend my dissertation early next year, so work has taken over a lot of my life right now.

Not to mention catching the cycling bug – hard. Last week I went on my first (supported) bike trip and cycled 400 km in four days! It was so much fun. I also got a fancy, like-new road bike several weeks ago for a great price. So, I’m investing a lot into this new hobby. I already want to go on another bike trip.

Dunno how I feel about lifting. Thanks to the WALRUS stuff, I’ve been feeling more confident on pull-ups and push-ups. Kinda inspired to pursue more calisthenics-style training but don’t have much bandwidth to figure out which program would suit me. I’m also interested in getting into rucking but don’t have the means at the moment.

I never expected to give up logging or adore bikes, but here I am. Shifting interests I guess. But I think what I’m doing now is sort of helping me cope with being a sixth-year PhD student and various personal things.

Even more good news is that my iron levels have made great strides! My hair has grown back a lot, and I feel like a very different person since a year ago.

Anyway, I felt like writing this update because I do miss posting here. I don’t know when I’ll post consistently again, but I want to visit more often to check up on others’ logs. :smiling_face:


Glad to see you post! Sounds like you’re in a better spot than you have in awhile :slight_smile:

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Great stuff here, @Bagsy. But this bit was great to read, and your whole post feels lighter!

Keep on keeping’ on!


Glad to read you went the new bike, reads like it’s paid for itself already!

The iron will always be there if you’re ever in need of another change or there’s a shift in focus in months/years to come.

Iron and hair… winning! (saw a colleague’s iron maiden sticker on their drink bottle) - coincidence!? haha.

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This is the best time of year for cycling, and Thats a great picture!

So much great news in this post!

Hobbies cycle, pun intended. It’s great to see you embrace it and just enjoy the bike. If lifting isn’t your thing right now, fine, it might come back around, it might not.

This is one of the best parts, glad you are feeling better!

Welcome back again, we’ll be here!


Awesome to see you posting again, and good to see so much positivity in your post.

Hope to see you logging again, even if its non-lifting stuff.

I’ve missed you here!

I love the update and all the great news! Maybe come back once a month and give us an update so we can see what great adventures you’re having!

It’s truly great to see you are still around!