german site:
Badr writes in an open letter that he repeated a big mistake and will resign from the sport for an unspecified time. He will also try to correct “some things” (let us guess: bad company, drugs, his temper that’s borderline psychotic?) in his life.
Wow, never expected that from him, wish him luck and it’s to see that he is trying to solve his problems.
Man, what an asshole- hope he gets busted.
lol im confused…what do you mean you hope he gets busted?
Honorable thing to do imo
bouncer probably deserved it.
he should team up with Faber, Overeem, Tito and Chuck, then they call all beat the crap out of any Bouncer.
[quote]rasturai wrote:
lol im confused…what do you mean you hope he gets busted?
well, the police is after him and it looks like his “enlightment” just means he wants to get his ass into hiding.
Doesn’t take a lot of brainpower to come to the conclusion that Badr is a first class asshole.
Hell, a lot of good fighters are.
To me Badr Hari was the most apt to take the k-1 belt from Schilt, now all hopes are left on Overeem!!