Well…well…K-1 Rising is set for Madrid…May 27th. K-1 org has supposedly been revamped…or sold. It’s being backed by European investors…and based out of Hong Kong from what I’ve read from various sources. Anyways…It’s Showtime fighters are now under contract to appear in the “new” K-1 Global events.
wonder how its gonna work seems the old regime didnt pay alot of fighters from their last events. not sure how many guys are gonna wanna jump on that ship again.
With that said K-1 events are awesome. Introduced me to the world of kickboxing and guys like Aerts and Le Banner. Those guys got me more interested in stand up fights than MMA fast.
I doubt Overreem fights in k-1 again. UFC doesnt let their guys compete in other fighting orgs very often. So I doubt we see him there unless he gets released.
Well when Dana was asked about Overreem’s future he was very positive about it…so if his contract does get rescinded, My gues K-1 is where you’ll find him.
[quote]punchedbear wrote:
wonder how its gonna work seems the old regime didnt pay alot of fighters from their last events. not sure how many guys are gonna wanna jump on that ship again.
That was my first thoughts…I wonder if It’s Showtime is helping fit bill for some of this.
Hell yeah…K-1 has always been my first love…lol. Will be cool to see Badr Hari…and hopefully some decent “young guns” step up. Also excited about K-1 GP coming back to U.S. Might finally get to attend an event.
[quote]punchedbear wrote:
wonder how its gonna work seems the old regime didnt pay alot of fighters from their last events. not sure how many guys are gonna wanna jump on that ship again.
That was my first thoughts…I wonder if It’s Showtime is helping fit bill for some of this.
Hell yeah…K-1 has always been my first love…lol. Will be cool to see Badr Hari…and hopefully some decent “young guns” step up. Also excited about K-1 GP coming back to U.S. Might finally get to attend an event.
I would love to see Ghita fight. His leg kicks on tv sound so brutal to hear and see it in person would be awesome.
I never really liked Hari I guess I cant look past his bs. Amazing fighter not so great of a guy.
I hope this is what CroCop needs to be taken seriously again.
I keep getting excited to watch him fight in the UFC
and he gets he keeps losing miserably.
He’s not too old or out of shape
but just seems unable to adapt to MMA in the USA as well as he did in Pride.
The CroCop I grew up with was an epic fighter Straight out of Mortal Kombat.
K-1 should give him a chance to shine again.