Brief background: My girlfriend wants to get into lifting (yay), but has tendon problems in her knees. We have verified this medically, and it is not a temporary thing.
That being said, she cannot do squats or deadlifts, as they have a tendency to cause her knees to collapse and/or dislocate. Does anyone have suggestions for lower-body exercises that do not stress the knees?
Bodyweight Squats? (We used to call these “deep knee bends” when I was young. -ER. I meant “youngER”)
Leg Extension with absolutely minimal weight?
Leg Curls? Nothing wrong with the hamstrings, I hope.
Farmer’s Walks can’t help but work the legs, and she doesn’t have to radically bend at the knee. If she goes up on her toes with the back leg, she can get calf work in.
The one thing I can guarentee is that it is impossible to go through life without squatting (unless you have to use a wheelchair). Walking up stairs is a 1 legged squat (ok it’s a step up but it involves knee extension).
See a physio, and just be really picky about technique, don’t increase the resistance unless form is perfect.
What do I know? I’ve twisted and dislocated my right knee about 20 times from the ages of 15 -33, I’m now 38 and squat 550lbs raw, when I hear the knee cracking from the artritis I turn the music up real loud.