[quote]KSU 2 CA wrote:
So I am probably going to get murdered by the forum and I’m sure I would deserve it. I went on a spell recently and haven’t been to the gym consistently in months. Now to get motivation up and take advantage of a nice discount I purchased the Plazma stack. That leaves me with some what of a newby sounding question, but the end result is that I just want to get back to where I was.
I’m 28, 6’1 and currently 190lbs. Prior to stopping working out consistently I was up to 205 after completing the I, Bodybuilder Program. If I don’t eat properly or hit the gym I start dropping weight.
My plan of attack was to get back into the swing of things for 2 weeks then jump right into the Hypertrophy Indigo program using the Plazma stack.
Good, bad or terrible idea… I just want to get shape fast.
I stopped going for er 1-2 years due to work & other life issues.
And I then also bought the Plasma stack… so I can relate (back 4 weeks)
I highly reccomend the layer system as your program of choice rather than the Indigo one… I even asked the question way back was IBB or Indigo the best program & CT advised to try learn about the Layer System.
You can find most of the info here… any questions, feel free to shout.