I had a bout with lower back strain on Monday (3rd set of squats, not even close to my 5 RM!). This is something I have gotten since i was 12, once or twice per year.
A quick trip to a chiropractor friend to get electro (TENS) thereapy, heat, and adjustment x’s 2 got me walking and bending again with less discomfort.
Today the pain level is about a 2 on a 10 scale, and I can finally tie my shoes first thing in the morning (had to wait until moving around for a few hours before i could bend over on previous days. So clearly mobilization is helping this condition.
Obviously my lower body workout has suffered all week, and it will be a while before I attempt max on squats / deads. But Iwas thinking about incorporating a mild ‘rehabilitation’ program into my workout.
I’m thinking:
light dumbell deadlifts (maybe 90LBS) after a warmup of no weight bends.
And doing 1 set of bar only squats followed by something like a few sets at 135.
Anyone knowledgable / experienced in this aspect care to comment?