Hey all.
YUP, I am getting old. I am now 51 and did not train for the last about 20 years. Before stopping I trained for around 10 - 15 years with fantastic results. It was old school training and I LOVED it. Sadly life caught up with me and stupid me stopped training from one day to the other. My lifes biggest regret.
Anyway. I need help getting things going again since I somehow cant find the dance with a great program, and all thos MILLIONS of youtubers and bloggers are NOT helping me being less confused.
Ok, I am 51. I am not what I would call a beginner since I have a lot of prior training experience but my body is working different with a few health problems like a rotary cuf not 100% and a spinal fusion in the lower part.
I am overweight, and would like to get this burned of by building strength and mass. I LOVE training hard and go 110% EVERY session.
Trying to find the balance of being on a caloric deficit while training seem to be rather difficult for me. I am now at 2600 Calories a day when training, and my hight is 180cm and weight 115Kg.
I believe that my lean body weight should be around 85-90Kg now, but I am not sure so even here I am floating around in space.
Program for the last 2½ month:
5 day push/pull program
Lat Cable pulldown Chest 6x12
Cable Row 6x12
Bend over row 6x12
Incl bench. DB row 6x12
Reverse Hyperextension 6x12
EZ Bar closegrip Biceps 3x12
EZ Bar widegrip biceps 3x12
Concentration curls 2x12 3 set dropsets to failur
ABS Leg raises 4x15
Bench press 6x12
Incl. Bench press 6x12
Cable fly low to high 6x12
Cable fly front 6x12
Shoulder lateral raise 6x12
Cable Pull to head 6x12
Arnold Press 6x12
ABS Leg raises 4x15
Leg extensions
Leg Curls
Seated Calf raise
I love this program, and I feel strong in a way that when I leave after training I dont feel fatigued. I dont feel like I used to where I hardly could lift my arms or turn the steering wheel after training.
There is something wrong with me.
I am now taking Sustanon 250 once a week and it is somehow helping. I am very vigilant with my food. NO PROCESSED food.
My Macros are:
Protein 240g
Carbs 240g
Fat around 75
I am using Creatin 5g/day
BCAA while training
Isolate Whey protein
Multivitamin daily
I want to be the best looking grandad around. I want for next summer to go to the beach and look GOOD. I want to feel the muscles grow and see the result.
I am having no problem going 110% and I am not afraid to take a cycle or 2 of TRT
I need some help here to get a good program that can help me to take me where I want to be. I am fucking tired of hearing from the younger guys in the gym that I cant do it and that I am to old.
PLEASE HELP THIS OLD but STRONG dude getting his program optimised for results PLEAAAASSSSEEEEE