I got 9 months and I have my mind set on playing college again. I’m a year removed from playing football. A blown out elbow halted my career. It’s healed and ready to go again. I’m going to attack this all out and give it everything I have so there are no regrets come August. My usual playing weight is around 225-235 right now im sitting at 204. So for a couple of months I’m going to try and gain back some size and get back in decent cardio shape.
My Workout will look something like this.
Sun - Chest
Mon - Back
Tues Shoulders
Wed Arms
Thurs Legs
Fri Back
Those arent the particualr days they will be on but a general idea of where they may fall. The second back workout is optional and every 2 weeks will be a second leg workout.
Cardio Will be around 4-5 days a week. Trying to reach 10 miles in a week before I start doin any speed training.
I have been back in the gym for a month just messing around getting a feel for weights and stuff again.
Sun -
Bench Press
225x1 260x7 - felt good left some in the tank elbow still not 100%
Incline db 90 1x6 - to heavy bad form getting nothing out of it
80 2x8 felt good
Incline Chest Machine 160 3x10 - trying to find a third exercise for chest my upper chest is a weak point so I played around with a few diffrent things before I fell on this but still havnt decided on it yet
Good workout hope to hit 275x5 next week on bench and 3x8 on dumbells
My shoulders were a little sore for my pm back workout when i got to the gym so i just did a set of barbell rows with 135 and my shoulders were still sore so i didnt push it and i went back home.
Milltary Press
few warm up sets
175x5 real hard going to stay with that weight for next week
db press
3x8 70 the last 2 on set number 3 were killers but i got through it
front plate raises
25 3x8
side laterlas
3x10 20
overall good workout am planning on taking a day off tommorw my bodys hurting and a day off would do me some good
the bicep part of ct’s workout i like the twitch reps
i have been using them for my dips and they have been working awesome
regualr db curls 3x10 (used this instead of slammin a bb in the powerrack)
the ones where he drops the weight 40 pounds 3x8
twitch rep preacher curl 15 on each side
then some forearm stuff
last week i came out of position a little and only got 275 for 5 and i felt weak going into the gym today but i decided i felt strong in my last warmup so i threw on 280. ended up feeling light and i just went for it.
close grip bench 275 1x4 my second rep ussually throws me out of the grove I have been trying to move the weight quickly like ct has been saying and I throw myself out of the grove sometimess
2 hand tri extensions 3x8 85
dips 3x8 25 extra pounds of weight
im trying to play linebacker hopefully well see what happens
my back and my hips are starting to hurt as well. My lack of core training and sitting at a desk all day is going to force me to get my leg days going and force me to do some core work. I’m also going to have to throw in shoulder saving techniques because my shouler is acting up after my workout today.
Bench Press 315 1x3 very heavy but I got it for three so I was happy.
Incline smith machine i used cluster reps and went
235 3x2 cluster reps
250 3x2 cluster reps this is what hurt my shoulder. I took some ibprofen hopefully to take the swelling down. I’m going to have to do some research and take care of these injuries.
Twitch Rep dips
Core Work
Boso ball pushups with feet on medicne ball 3x5 first times ive ever used one of those things pretty tough
med ball wall throws 3x8
dumbell lunge and press 2x8 10
cable push pull 2x10 both sides
I’ve decided I need a deload week from here on out. I need to take some pressure of my shoulder so im going to go light this deload with around the same volume maybe a tad less.
my shoulder was killing me today I had pain and clicking moving my arm upwards in an incline bench motion. I was constantly stretching it out all day using all the stretches in the shoulder savers article. I also did dc shoulder saver over at intense muscle twice today it’s starting to feel better. I’m going to do legs tomorrow an see how it feels.
shoulder still a little sore but I went ahead with my leg day.
squat 225 3x5 gotta start somewhere to get back to my old strength
1 leg deads 3x8 30
1 leg squats 2x8 20
lunge and press 2x8 20
cable split stance push 2x8 25
med ball pushups 3x9
assisted regualr grip pull ups 55 3x6
bb rows 3x8 155
rope lat pulls 115 3x10
rope bent over machine rows 2x8 70
another excerise but I can never rember the name