Back in the Gym Atmosphere

Ive lifted at my house the last 4 years due to living in BFE. I recently moved and now Ive joined a gym thats a few mins down the road… Long story short I am amazed by the ppl in there. Besides the old ppl on machines, you’ve got all these gym rats doin half ass on everything… I had this guy ask me to spot him on incline db press today who was working with 105 and the dude wasn’t going below the top of his ears… then you have the shruggers who move the weight all of a few inches…

Then the young kids on precher curls lowering the weight down to 45 degrees(right before it gets heavy) and then pulling it up… Most the ppl in there are on machines, I was the only one in there doing deadlifts with and actual bar, everyone else was doing them with a machine. This might be the wrong place to rant but damn, when the hell did a gym turn into a social event, half the ppl would hit a set then talk for ten minutes… I know for a fact that alot of these ppl are there before 6 and leave after 830. Im in and out in 45 minutes. And Im not saying im perfect by any means, but I don’t go into a gym to talk and socialize, Id rather be in an out and home with a beer afterwards…

hrmmm if only a thread already existed for this topic…

Maybe you should worry a little more about yourself, instead of obsessing about what other people do.

[quote]Hell-Billy wrote:
Maybe you should worry a little more about yourself, instead of obsessing about what other people do.[/quote]


From the sound of it, those people suck and you must therefore be awesome, by comparison.

Run your race with blinders on and stop worrying about others.

Gosh dern it Mr. Ed, you sound really fucking bad ass. Wear a cape to that cess pool of inferiority and enjoy being the man. Maybe a pink cape, for sarcasm and all.

I guess i just described all yalls gym outings. You all keep doing your thing and keep posting yalls race to
300 on all yalls lifts. Its easy to be offended when your part of the problem.

[quote]MrEdofCourse wrote:
I guess i just described all yalls gym outings. You all keep doing your thing and keep posting yalls race to
300 on all yalls lifts. Its easy to be offended when your part of the problem. [/quote]

Funny how those guys who obsess about what others do in the gym are usually the least developed ones…

Why don’tz you post some ripped pics of yourself to shut up all the haters, tough guy?

^dude that picture is fucking hilarious!

^^seriously! hilarious.

[quote]Dre the Hatchet wrote:
Funny how those guys who obsess about what others do in the gym are usually the least developed ones…

Why don’tz you post some ripped pics of yourself to shut up all the haters, tough guy?[/quote]

Mr Hatchet. There is no need to post pics of myself so you can have the glory of masturbating to them.

And not to mention I didnt post this in the bodybuilding forum, or look at my progress forum. Im a powerlifter. So Im not ripped and Im not a pretty Jersey Shore boy or anything else most these fucking posers want to be. I go into the gym to lift heavy weight and get the fuck out. Just to make you happy i have 26% BF. Which is normal for my type of lifting so im not "least" developed or whatever other kind of bullshit you wanna call it.

[quote]DixiesFinest wrote:

[quote]MrEdofCourse wrote:
I guess i just described all yalls gym outings. You all keep doing your thing and keep posting yalls race to
300 on all yalls lifts. Its easy to be offended when your part of the problem. [/quote]

I will agree this is some funny shit!! Im stealing it actually!

[quote]MrEdofCourse wrote:

[quote]Dre the Hatchet wrote:
Funny how those guys who obsess about what others do in the gym are usually the least developed ones…

Why don’tz you post some ripped pics of yourself to shut up all the haters, tough guy?[/quote]

Mr Hatchet. There is no need to post pics of myself so you can have the glory of masturbating to them.

And not to mention I didnt post this in the bodybuilding forum, or look at my progress forum. Im a powerlifter. So Im not ripped and Im not a pretty Jersey Shore boy or anything else most these fucking posers want to be. I go into the gym to lift heavy weight and get the fuck out. Just to make you happy i have 26% BF. Which is normal for my type of lifting so im not "least" developed or whatever other kind of bullshit you wanna call it.


Haha really dude, are you fucking kidding me? Your are probably that lil fucker who’s all ripped up and sits at the cable machines thinking every chick in there is staring at your 14" biceps. Get a fucking life. If you have ever met a skinny powerlifter I will drive my ass to Arkansas and kiss your little skinny ass…

And if that is you in your pic(which i doubt since we can all upload pics) Ill post a fatty doubling your weight. So don’t come in here trying to nut up claiming your all that because your under 300…

[quote]biglifter wrote:

That right! Keep preaching my brother!

Well, I see what you’re talking about all the time Mr. Ed, just don’t let it get to you and keep on working on yourself. I guess you’re REALLY noticing this because you haven’t lifted in a commercial gym for 4 years like you stated in the first post. You’ll get used to it, and save yourself the headache and DO NOT try and give anyone tips, that will be a loooonnng road to no where.