I’m not sure why this product hasn’t gotten more attention, but I feel like its worth its own thread.
Without parroting the whole product description, Assess and Correct is a brand new product developed by Bill Hartman, Eric Cressey, and Mike Robertson. The whole purpose of A&C is to provide gym rats like us with a tool that will allow us to assess ourselves for any types of postural, dynamic and static dysfunctions or limitations that could potentially lead to injury.
The DVD set comes with a bunch of bonuses (soft tissue manual, sample warmups, and etc). In its opening week, they were kind enough to offer it at a discount price of 100 dollars vs. the 130 that its going to be after the end of the week.
With the type of stuff Eric, Bill, and Mike put out, I’m sure this product is going to be nothing short of fantastic. From what they say, this product its a completely different level from MM and Inside Out. I have already placed my order and am waiting for my DVDs to arrive!
If you’re dealing with some injuries and/or want to prevent them, you should definitely check this out.
You guys are welcome.