I’m looking for a new program. Over the past year I’ve messed around with a bunch of different stuff but always find myself, after a few weeks, migrating back to the routine I feel most comfortable with. I’ll post some stats and my current routine:
26 years old
195 lbs.
~12-14% b.f. (haven’t broken out the old calipers in a while…it gets a bit depressing during the winter bulk)
A few maxes:
BP - 285
Incline DB - 120x3
Squat - 385
Dead - 405
Push press - 205
Current routine:
Monday -
BB Bench - 5x5
Seated DB press - 5x5
Bent over BB row - 5x5
Weighted dips (ss) - 4x10
BB curl (ss)- 4x10
Tuesday -
Squats - 5x5
Hack squats - 5x5
RDL’s - 5x5
seated calf raises - 4x10
Thursday -
Push press - 5x5
Incline DB - 5x5
pullups/chinups - BWx6-8
Pinwheel curls (ss) - 4x10
Rope pulldowns (ss) - 4x10
Seated calf raises (ss) - 4x10
Saturday -
Deads - 5x5
Leg Press - 5x5
Lunges - 4x10
Leg curls - 4x10
Standing calf raises - 4x10
(ss) - super set, just a quick circuit of those exercises.
I LOVE this program, both for the lifts incorporated and the low volume/high intensity way it’s constructed. But, as I said, I do this almost exclusively and have found 2 things:
- A few week spots are developing (rear delts, not getting much sweep in the lats, forearms)
2)progress–as expected–isn’t coming as fast as before.
So I’m looking to really change it up, and am looking for any advice on a routine that might work after something like this, and one that might also work to bring up the deficiencies a bit.
Any thoughts, suggestions, criticisms? Thanks in advance for the help!