Anyone Try Z-12?

Hey all. If you don’t know or care, I’ve been struggling with insomnia my entire life. I use to smoke a lot of pot to get sleepy at night, but it’s far too expensive and it’s not a very good tool to have when dieting.

So as I finish this diet, I have to ask - Anyone try Z-12?

What did you think of it? Did you get uninterrupted sleep? How many capsules did you take? And did your body get use to after using it?

I appreciate any responses or feedback.

Yes, it’s great!

Have a doctor write a prescription for ambien. An insurance copay would cost less than Z-12 and it is sleep aid gold.

Z-12 works incredibly well, if you have serious sleep issues it is the shit! if you have minor sleep issues i would try melatonin at 3-4 mg first and see if that works, it is much cheaper. But yes Z-12 is incredible for sleep that leaves you refreshed.

I take 3 ZMAs and 2 Z-12s on nights that I train, which are the nights I have the toughest time sleeping. This is especially true after BJJ class, probably an adrenaline thing.

This combination, while it doesn’t “knock me out”, or even get me to sleep quickly, does drop me into a deep sleep that really does the trick for me.

Once I am asleep, I am out for the count. When I wake up the next morning, I feel extremely relaxed, probably due to the ZMA. Once I’m up, I definitely feel very alert, and can tell I spent a significant anount of time in that sleep “deep zone”.

I’ve used it intermittently and it has worked well for me.

I’ve had insomnia for some years too. When I did fall asleep, I’d wake up at least 2-3 a night and it’d be tough to get back to sleep.

Z-12 didn’t put me to sleep right away, but when I’m out, I’m out – at least when I first tried it.

There’s been times I’ll still wake up and not be able to get back to sleep, but for the most part it’ll still allow me to get some uninterrupted shuteye with 2 caps.

On any given night, I basically need something to help me fall asleep. I tried Z-12, but didnt do much for me. ZMA and 1000mg of valerian root does, though.

For the record, you can get pot that doesnt give you the munchies.

For me, it made me relaxed and calm, but I still had some trouble getting to sleep.

Lately, I have just cut down on my caffeine intake, and take a tryptophan supplement. I manage to get to sleep between 11 p.m. and midnight.

I dont have issues falling asleep but staying asleep and quality are issues and I have had prescriptions for ambian and others but Z-12 is bad ass the position i got to sleep in is the same way I wake up and no hangover it is the best I have tried and I work all hours of the day or night so my sleep is really weird


well I have trouble staying asleep and the quality of sleep i had was terrible…
after taking Z-12 whatever position I fall asleep in is the same position I wake up in 7-8 hours later it works very very good

well I have trouble staying asleep and the quality of sleep i had was terrible…
after taking Z-12 whatever position I fall asleep in is the same position I wake up in 7-8 hours later it works very very good

I find it will help you stay asleep very well but doesn’t help me fall asleep which unfortunately is my problem.

Worth a try though

My vote is still out on Z-12. Now when I do take it and I get little sleep I don’t feel too groggy, but it doesn’t really put my to sleep. I expected it to give me that “Oh my God my bed feels so good I never want to leave the comfort of my pillow and sheets” feeling. I definitely haven’t had that with Z-12. If I want to be knocked out and fall to sleep I just pop some melatonin which is SOOOO much cheaper.

For all the recommendations of melatonin… Yes, it works. Well. However, I do think I developed sleeping problems from the regular use of melatonin.

Just sayin’.

[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
For all the recommendations of melatonin… Yes, it works. Well. However, I do think I developed sleeping problems from the regular use of melatonin.

Just sayin’.[/quote]

I’ve been worried about this. I use to take melatonin (just 1 or 2mg) to help me sleep cause I had a lot of trouble. It worked great, but then when I stopped taking it (only took for about a month) it was hard to sleep without it. I eventually gave it up and didn’t have to use it for about 5 months, then had to start taking it again. Still only taking 1-2mg, but I foresee it being hard to go to sleep without it again.

Definitely going to look into Z-12 now.

[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
For the record, you can get pot that doesnt give you the munchies. [/quote]

I need some of that when im done bulking.