Thinkin about givin it a run through. Seems like an interesting take on things.
I’ve used it with good results on pullups, but not much else.
I see it as a really good nugget to add to my collection of training ideas.
Caveman talks about using EDT in his thread, and his physique shows it does damned well for him.
I like it a lot and I’ll do it from time to time. I can only do it for 3-4 weeks at a time though. It’s really easy to burn out on and you can really beat up your joints depending on the exercises you choose.
You’ll definitely feel tired after and end up in a pool of sweat. The target muscles will definitely feel worked after you’re done.
I also lean out pretty quickly when I use EDT.
The other thing about it is that it can be kind of a pain depending on how your gym is setup or how busy it is. It can be difficult to take up 2 pieces of equipment for a 10-15 min PR Zone.
I tried his Squat-Chinup alternating combo for 15 minutes. It’s the best cardio I’ve ever done, and it gave me the worst feelings ever.
It’s a bit rough on the joints, but if you don’t try to do more than 4-6 weeks at a time, it’s very effective for strength and size gains. I put an inch on my arms in a month doing EDT.
Anybody have any favorite pairings?
I’m thinking one circuit for strength followed by a more cardio focused one (burpees and pullups maybe).
thanks for the responses. yeah i just figured i’d dig something out of the 2002 archives and give it a try and thats what i fell on. went through my first cycle yesterday and i see what’s meant in that it can lean you out. the intensity keeps me mentally sharp too while training.
i did his edt ultimate training arms and got great results. can’t see it not working with other bodyparts. if you’re not used to having short rest periods it’ll take a while to adjust to.
[quote]IronAbrams wrote:
Anybody have any favorite pairings?
I’m thinking one circuit for strength followed by a more cardio focused one (burpees and pullups maybe).[/quote]
This pairing is tough, but i liked it.
- Deadlift
- Dips
BTW it will whip your ass.
IMO it’s sort of a compromise. I’d utilize it if I had limited training time and couldn’t or didn’t want to add cardio to my routine.
Very hard to execute in a busy gym.
Good for a brief change of pace, can’t imagine using it long term.
And yes, given enough effort, it will “whip your ass!”
I liked Bench Press/Hammer Curls a lot, and Lat Pulldowns/Close Grip Bench Press is another good one.
By far my favorite training guidlines are EDT. The only problem, is like any other program, you can only follow it for a short time, before your results start to diminish.
Once you get experienced with it though, there are many ways to change EDT to meet different goals, whether they be strength, fat loss, or muscle gain.
Outside of the above mentioned benifits, there are two things i really love EDT for.
Getting some repetitions in. Nothing is better for increasing strength, and form, than plain old practice. Each set is done nowhere near failure, but still with enough weight and volume to illicit growth/strength.
Testing. After youve been on another program for a while, its fun to go to EDT, and see how your strength and endurance has changed. Ive noticed after training purely strength, then going back to EDT, your cardio will be lacking. EDT will bring it up quickly.
anyone branch out on their own and do three exercises?stiff dead, nautilus pullover, bench
or combination exercises like dumbell squat and push press and chins/pulldowns
[quote]jp_dubya wrote:
anyone branch out on their own and do three exercises?stiff dead, nautilus pullover bench
or combination exercises like dumbell squat and push press and chins/pulldowns[/quote]
You mean like three exercises in a single PR Zone? I never tried that, but that sounds like that would be an interesting thing to do.
I mainly would do a regular body part split when I did EDT and I would pair antagonists. So I’d so something like:
I usually did 2 15 min PR Zones and then 1 10 minute PR zone each workout.
three exercises may work, but it might turn out to be more cardio than anything.
Hyrbrid lifts could be fun as well, but you’d have the same problem.
Front squat + push press / Pullup : That would be BRUTAL
Is that EDT?