Anyone Taking Daily Cialis Long Term?

Looking for people who take the 5 mg cialis long term and have been for some time. It seems to be the only thing that can give me consistent results, but I’m only 28 years old so I’m concerned about it losing effectiveness or causing other health related issues. Any insight?

I haven’t been taking cilais long term but I do take it almost daily for about 6 months. I don’t take it for erection issues tho I use it for blood pressure on blast and the vasodilating effects.

From the little bit of research I have done my understanding is we don’t necessarily build a tolerance to it per se. But I have seen reports of people who have used it for years for ED and have said they have had to increase their dosage as they aged. This leads me to believe it may not necessarily be a tolerance issue but perhaps more so whatever is causing the ED is getting worse and more of the drug needs to be taken.

This is all speculation of course from shit iv gathered from people’s claims. Let me also say I use it at a relatively high dose (20mg) 3 days on 1 or 2 days off and altho my primary use is not erectile dysfunction I’m not complaining about the quality of boners I get from it. Especially on tren when my cardio is in the trash it really keeps the ding ling rock solid.


How about the flush? Do you not get it at all?

I’ve been taking 5mg eod for a year. Have ED issues from deca that manifested into anxiety about it too. Neither are good for erections. Cialis does the trick.

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Ive been takinh it daily for 2 years. Only had flushing in the very beginning. Never anymore. I love it.

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I actually had to Google that. No I never got flushing issues from it. The one thing I do get that is pretty consistent is a runny nose. Which I guess iv sorts gotten used to. It’s not real bad but definitely noticeable if I think about how much more often I blow my nose. It’s not decongestion or anything where it makes it hard to breath thru nose just a few times a day and primarily during my workout I notice my nose is runny.

I’ve been taking 10mg a day for 8 years, sometimes more depending on activity but I’m 60 with bph so it’s also helps with that. I get no flush or any other side effects that I notice other than good boners. It still works as well today as it did when I started.


I get the flush sometimes but I get it when I don take it also. I get water retention and facial flushing after I drink a couple beer, and sometimes for no reason, so I can’t peg it to the cialis

Good to know thanks!

That’s good to hear! I hope it continues to work well for you in the years to come

Did you find that there was a snowball affect when taking it every day? Did it work better after taking it every day for a month versus the first few times taking it?

I asked someone else this as well, but I’d like to know, has it been a snowball affect for you? Do you find after taking it for a month or more that it works better? I would assume because it stays in your system for 36 hours, that if you take it every day for a month or 2 months that the results get better? I’ve only taken it as needed, at most 2 times in a week

Wow that’s me haha. I get more flushed from a beer than from cialis. Cialis flushing is pretty severe too. Do you have any explanation why that is?

This article clears up a lot of it! Also, I know from personal experience, whenever my estradiol levels were high on trt or clomid, my face would get super red and I would retain water like a mofo. Which makes sense, because the hops in beer is suppose to affect estradiol levels, so if you go out and pound some beers, it would make sense that it could affect hormone levels, even temporarily, and cause those symptoms. Especially if you have hormone issues to begin with. I also read somewhere that facial flushing can be a warning sign of high blood pressure. Which again, correlated with high estradiol levels, at least in my experience with my labs at the time of high blood pressure readings.

It works better for me by taking everyday. When I first started (due to cost)I tried to take a few times a week to save money but it didn’t work as well. That cost led me to find a Canadian source. Now that it’s gone generic, it’s much more affordable in the US.

what is flushing from Cialis lol?

Facial flushing. When your face gets red and hot

Why does that matter? If it doesnt hurt you…

If you ever experience it for yourself, it’s not that pleasant. Not to mention, it can lead to headaches, and stuffy nose along with it

Wanna feel super flushy… like hot flash menopause flushy… Try niacin (5-1000mg)