I use it 5-6 days a week. For the past 4-5 months. Wish i could afford 7 days a week. Insurance only covers 6 pills a month so i quarter my 20mg. Has definitely helped with ED of course the misses wanted sex on my off day this week and didnt go so well. That always bums me out. As a parent you never know when you’ll have free time. I also dont like planning time cause that never works. I have noticed ever since taking it i now wake up nightly to urinate and effects arent as apparent as when i first started. I could probably use to go up in dosage.
I think I’ve had it via generic viagra but it never really bothered me, except for the stuffy nose thing, thats annoying atleast during sex. But I’ve associated it with the pde5 working so i dont mind it
Taladifil has a decent track record of safety and efficiency within regard to both acute and chronic durations of usage. The primary risk would be (and it’s low) for the development of anterior ischemic optical neuropathy, of which the majority of case reports involving the development of this condition exhibit subjects with prior risk factors relating to the development of NAION such as systemic hypertension, smoking (regular exposure to tobacco smoke can induce premature macular degeneration). If you were to notice this (typically manifesting as vision loss in the centre of one eye, the corner of one eye etc) go to the doctors immediately. Hearing loss has been heard of too, yet the cause-effect relationship to my understanding/knowledge at this point in time remains unknown
Other complications could theoretically develop in combination with depressants/medications/vasodialators that lower BP. Extensive hypotension may induce fainting or even myocardial infarction/stroke from lack of blood flow to vital organs (look up PDE5 inhibitor + nitrate combo)
However literature generally demonstrates a nice safety/tolerability profile. I take Cialis, it’s the shit. Smooth muscle relaxation induced by PDE 5 inhibition woooooooooooot yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
I’ve gotten the flush, especially when drinking. I use it as an emergency if I drank too much one night or whatever.
They say you shouldn’t take it while drinking, which of course a lot of us do anyways. Stupid, I know.
why u need cialis at 28 mate?
Your lucky insurance partially covers it. Do you have it prescribed for bph? I wish I knew a way to get coverage. It’s $150/month for me to take it
Bad luck is the only thing I can peg it to lol. Well actually it’s a long story, I first got ED at 17-18 years old. I was on accutane at 15 and developed ED while on it, and while it did briefly go away after I was off of of it initially, it came back with a vengeance a year later. I then mistakenly fooled around with supplements trying to fix my condition, as doctors all wrote me off at the time. I took a supplement with large doses of beta sitostrrol and saw palmetto in it, unknowingly. got a life altering reaction to it, and been in limbo ever since
Does it still work for you when you drink? It’s basically as effective as a sugar pill if I’ve been drinking
When you say smooth muscle relaxation, it makes me think that you’ve experienced pelvic floor issues? Ever since I took a bad supplement, I’ve had what they call the “hard flaccid syndrome” and I noticed there’s always lots of tension in my pelvic floor. When I’m anxious it gets really bad, and often times my penis is straight up freezing cold to the touch. I think it’s all related, and I’m wondering if there’s a permanent way to fix that rather than relying on cialis to relax those muscles
not as strong but it does still work.
in my personal experience you dont develop tolerance to cialis and it should work as good as the first time but you can develop psychological dependency and performance anxiety if you are not on it that day.
if you are taking it daily then it shouldnt matter tho.
Just get it illegally, there’s tons out there. Do you think you can buy steroids but not Cialis/Viagra?
As far as Getting it locally on the black market, it’s more expensive. There are websites out there, but I don’t really trust ordering from a lot of those sites. Especially not something I’m taking long term. I pay $136 for a months supply. That’s not awful but I think it’s a joke that insurance doesn’t cover it, yet you can get any benzo or whatever else and get all doped up for next to nothing per month.
Damn I pay $60 for 60 20mg pills thru an “illegal” source
That’s insanely good deal wow
I’d suggest if you are taking it for life maybe look into order bulk raw powder then getting it tested for purity. Youl save a fortune
I pay 60$ for 10 20mg tablets… (pharm grade, ugl is waaaaaayyy cheaper in this case)
Just found out there’s an option locally for me, 50 for $50 lol. Thanks for heads up guys, this is gonna save my ass
Is the underground usually a lot less potent? I’ve had underground clomid and arimidex and it was on par with pharm stuff, ya maybe cialis is different?
No, it’s exactly the same if the lab is reputable (similarly to anabolics, in fact… when using UGL TRT bloods indicated the UGL test was almost 1.5x as potent mg/mg compared to pharm grade), thus quality control is somewhat of an issue as UGL’s don’t have the equipment required to precisely measure out accurate dosages… that and labs may under or intentionally overdose products to appeal to consumers (which can be dangerous with many products or with females using)