anyone in pensacola?
Pensacola has population of 54,055 as of 2005.
[quote]PGA wrote:
Pensacola has population of 54,055 as of 2005.[/quote]
Maybe they all got bored and left.
[quote]Professor X wrote:
PGA wrote:
Pensacola has population of 54,055 as of 2005.
Maybe they all got bored and left.[/quote]
Or Jeb sank it.
[quote]aron wrote:
anyone in pensacola?[/quote]
These guys.
my brother lives in pensacola…that is until they send him somewhere else pretty soon.
[quote]PGA wrote:
Pensacola has population of 54,055 as of 2005.[/quote]
Best response in weeks!
Pensacola is awesome. Stationed there for 4 years. Hope to retire there some day.
[quote]PGJ wrote:
Pensacola is awesome. Stationed there for 4 years. Hope to retire there some day.
Pensacola is a great place…until a fucking hurricane comes along.
Yeah, thanks Dennis and siblings.