[quote]Power GnP wrote:
Hanley wrote:
Power GnP wrote:
Hanley wrote:
Power GnP wrote:
Some great imput here guys.
As a side note, have any of you incorperated knee wraps or suits into Smolov in any way shape or form?
I did it in a pair of briefs… If I was gonna add in a suit and wraps I’d probably wait til after the base meso. Maybe on the last few sets of the Friday, obviously upping the weigh to work off your gear max tho.
Tbh I don’t know if I’d bother with all of it. It’s only 12 weeks and I’ve never had and problem with my squat gear (well I need a week or two in wraps every couple of months).
Was just curious, I have a meet on July 12th, the training is a template I put together based off some of Magnus Onerud’s ideas. After that meet I plan on taking a long off-season from July-January…I’d love to give Smolov a go after the meet then jump back on the Sheiko train for a couple prep cycles.
Looks like you have the first crack at 700 at 90 so!!!
I reckon it’d be a good off season program. That’s my plan for it at least if i do try it. One of the reasons I think it’s better kept for the offseason is that if you were to do it in the run up to a meet you probably couldn’t put as much effort into benching or deadlifting. So if you can get it done maybe 8-12 weeks out it still gives you some good training time for the other two, and you could probably maintain and pick up a little bit more squat strength in that time too!
That’s my hope at least. I can’t remember are we on a race to 700 at 90kg? If so I need to be reminded of this stuff from time to time haha. I agree, not the best peaking program but great as a prep phase…maybe followed by some Sheiko.
Well the goal for the July meet is 275/606 at 90kg, ideally I will have 305/673 for Nationals next year in April…but 700 would be nice, I can’t dispute that. After Nationals next year I need to move up 100kg (I’m too tall for 90kg), but if all goes well I will be cutting back down to 90kg for IPF Jr. Worlds in Sao Paulo around the end of August 09’.[/quote]
Damn… I’m jealous. I’d love to go to the Jr. Worlds. If I can get near to 800 at 100 or 110 I might make the trip. I’d want to do something respectable if I was going to the big show. I wouldn’t just go for the sake of it!! I’ll have to see what the story is with the IPF in Ireland because believe it or not, they’re the smallest fed here!!
And a 700kg total no…? It was aaaaages ago we said it. I was half thinking of dropping to 90 at the time for one last lash at it (I’m 5’10 and about 100kg at the mo, so probably need to be heavier, not lighter!!). I’d be more than happy to squat 3x bodyweight at 90. Right now if I want 700 it’s probbly gonna have to be 260/190/250 or something along those lines. I’d do it right now at 100w without too much trouble, but it might be a push when I go down.