Any form critique welcome guys, 140kgs on the bar, felt like after 2 reps form would suffer a bit so I pulled up.
At a glance, work on keeping your chest up, and your shoulders back.
Also try to arch your lower back harder, and drive your hips through after the bar passes your knees.
yep, i think you could be holding your lumbar arch a bit tighter, too.
careful about what it does when you lower the weight, too.
the shoulders back thing is a bit controversial… (some say do it, others say don’t).
if your chest is up a bit more then your hips will probably be a bit lower - which should really work your hammies / glutes.
didn’t look awful, though
not bad, if you make sure your hips arent rising before anything else first, then everything should fall into place
Thanks guys, a few good points to work on before i really start to increase the weight.