So what is the deal with this stuff? Everytime I buy some that says “goes on clear” I end up with white goo all over. Anybody know of some that actually goes on clear?
Tom’s of Maine. Stays clear! And it’s natural. (Always a bonus in my mind.)
Goes on clear. Comes off white.
Mitchum clear gel. (I prefer the unscented one). No such problems there.
[quote]Gothic77 wrote:
Tom’s of Maine. Stays clear! And it’s natural. (Always a bonus in my mind.)[/quote]
If I’m not mistaken, Tom’s is only a deadorant, not an anti-persperant. If you don’t sweat much, that’s not a big deal. But I HATE having sweaty pits, unless I’m outside sweating for a reason. Deodorant-only is not an option for me.
Not to mention made in my hometown. Yeah, Maine!
[quote]Gothic77 wrote:
Tom’s of Maine. Stays clear! And it’s natural. (Always a bonus in my mind.)[/quote]
[quote]Need4Speed wrote:
Gothic77 wrote:
Tom’s of Maine. Stays clear! And it’s natural. (Always a bonus in my mind.)
If I’m not mistaken, Tom’s is only a deadorant, not an anti-persperant. If you don’t sweat much, that’s not a big deal. But I HATE having sweaty pits, unless I’m outside sweating for a reason. Deodorant-only is not an option for me.[/quote]
You know, I think you’re right. My bad.
[quote]Eric Cressey wrote:
Not to mention made in my hometown. Yeah, Maine!
Gothic77 wrote:
Tom’s of Maine. Stays clear! And it’s natural. (Always a bonus in my mind.)
hey it’s you! I might be going to CT for a wedding in the near future. Well, once they set a date. LOL!
So you live where I’m from and you’re FROM where Tom’s of Maine is based. You rock twice!
[quote]provy07 wrote:
So what is the deal with this stuff? Everytime I buy some that says “goes on clear” I end up with white goo all over. Anybody know of some that actually goes on clear?[/quote]
Axe deodorant/anti-perspirant actually works fairly well, all except for the anti-perspirant part, I can’t find ANYTHING that works in that department.
For me personally Degree for men works best. Between going to the gym and working in a kitchen im constantly sweating all day. By the time I get out of work its still working. I just wish more people at my gym used this stuff.
Let me tell you, I’ve tried all the deos out there and Old Spice High Endurance was the only one that keep my pits fresh for more than 4 hours. All my friends use it as well.
[quote]augusta2000 wrote:
I just wish more people at my gym used this stuff.[/quote]
I wish more people at the gym felt that bathing should be a regular daily activity and that clothes able to stand by themselves should possibly be washed. Instead we get onion-foot-booty oder and shirts with permanent sweat stains.
Degree does work well as does whichever one it is with the “power stripe” and Terrell Owens on the commercial.
by the way, most anti-perspirants contain aluminum, and aluminum has been linked to alzheimers. just a good thing to know. i’m still gonna use it today tho for example cause i got a final exam. probably not in summer break.
[quote]silencer wrote:
by the way, most anti-perspirants contain aluminum, and aluminum has been linked to alzheimers. just a good thing to know. i’m still gonna use it today tho for example cause i got a final exam. probably not in summer break.[/quote]
I thought the aluminum/alzheimers link had been debunked long ago. Yes, people with alzheimers do have higher levels of aluminum in their brains, but so do lots of other people without alzheimers. No causal link has even been postulated, let alone proved. BTW, aluminum is one of the most common elements on the earth. In fact, earth (esp. clay) has heaps of aluminum in it. You probably got more exposure to it making mud pies as a toddler than you do from deodorants.
[quote]sharetrader wrote:
silencer wrote:
by the way, most anti-perspirants contain aluminum, and aluminum has been linked to alzheimers. just a good thing to know. i’m still gonna use it today tho for example cause i got a final exam. probably not in summer break.
I thought the aluminum/alzheimers link had been debunked long ago. Yes, people with alzheimers do have higher levels of aluminum in their brains, but so do lots of other people without alzheimers. No causal link has even been postulated, let alone proved. BTW, aluminum is one of the most common elements on the earth. In fact, earth (esp. clay) has heaps of aluminum in it. You probably got more exposure to it making mud pies as a toddler than you do from deodorants.[/quote]
Yes, but as an adult you’re deliberately putting it on pores that aren’t exposed to the elements nearly as often as your hands are. Also, most adults don’t make mudpies anymore - it usually stops around 8 years old or so, lasting only a few years, since you didn’t likely begin till you were 3 or 4.
I don’t use antiperspirant because of the aluminum and your body sweats to release toxins. Ok, some of us sweat more than others, and you gotta do whatcha gotta do. I understand this. But I also research the hell out of my choices and make the best decision for me and my family.
[quote]Gothic77 wrote:
Yes, but as an adult you’re deliberately putting it on pores that aren’t exposed to the elements nearly as often as your hands are. Also, most adults don’t make mudpies anymore - it usually stops around 8 years old or so, lasting only a few years, since you didn’t likely begin till you were 3 or 4.
I don’t use antiperspirant because of the aluminum and your body sweats to release toxins. Ok, some of us sweat more than others, and you gotta do whatcha gotta do. I understand this. But I also research the hell out of my choices and make the best decision for me and my family.[/quote]
Gawd, you’re paranoid.
From The Alzheimer’s Society;
[quote]There have been numerous conferences on aluminium and health ever since the idea that the metal might be a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease was first proposed.
The medical research community, international and government regulatory agencies and the aluminium industry all review the evidence at frequent intervals.
The overwhelming medical and scientific opinion is that the findings outlined above do not convincingly demonstrate a causal relationship between aluminium and Alzheimer’s disease, and that no useful medical or public health recommendations can be made, at least at present.
It has proved extremely difficult to devise studies which could resolve this problem one way or another.
Alzheimer’s is a common disease with multiple causes, while aluminium is widepread in the environment and there are no methods that allow us to measure an individual’s ‘body burden’ or lifetime exposure to this element.
It is possible that suitable ‘transgenic’ animal models which develop the pathological features of Alzheimer’s disease in their brains will enable scientists to determine if such changes are accelerated or exacerbated by aluminium at levels which correspond to normal human exposure.
Alzheimer’s Society Information Sheet June 2002
[quote]Professor X wrote:
Gawd, you’re paranoid.
Nah - lots of allergies in the family. My kids, especially. It’s for their health that I not have toxic or quesitonable stuff in the house. My son has multiple chemical sensitivities. shrug It’s working for us.
[quote]Gothic77 wrote:
I don’t use antiperspirant because of the aluminum and your body sweats to release toxins.[/quote]
Your body sweats to cool you off. Toxins are mainly filtered out into urine and feces.
Nothing beats Laquer thinner!Cuts right to the edge! Although, real men use Napalm in the morning!
well Aluminum ihibits magnesium absorption in the body (you can find tons of posts on this in the search engine, based on the Andro Wars article i think)…
so if you care about magensium or take ZMA you might wanna reconsider.