Anti Estrogens?

Are anti estrogens safe to take? I mean will they mess with hormone levels? I was looking into testosterone boosters and shit like that HGH, but decided against it when I looked into it a little more. Are the anti estrogens safer to take as far as messing with the hormones or should I stay away. Thanks.

i got biotests Rez-V. i haven’t been seeing that much results from it, but it’s only been about a 1.5 weeks. i’ll wait till the whole bottle is done to judge it as good or not.

anways, tribulus and resveratrol (anti-estrogen) are natural ingredients, and are found in very healthy foods. i don’t see what’s wrong with taking an anti-E. go for it.

If your talking prescription meds like Tamoxifen, Nolvadex, armidex, etc etc thenyes you dont want to go just playing with them for no reason. E is not the devil and we need it juts not super high levels.

Do like above said go for a supp like Rez-V to limit the excess estrogens from outside sources etc.


sounds good. Yea I dont mean the prescription.