Hi, I’m just about to be finishing up 8 weeks of Christian’s OVT training while bulking. I did not take any rest time between phases 1 and 2, so I was thinking about doing this.
For the first 2 weeks off, I would continue bulking, and do this routine:
Bench press 5 x 5 (working up to your 5RM)
Power clean 5 x 5 (working up to your 5RM)
Squat 5 x 5 (working up to your 5RM)
Incline bench press 5 x 5 (working to a challenging, but easily managealbe load)
Deadlift 5 x 5 (working to a challenging, but easily managealbe load)
Front squat 5 x 5 (working to a challenging, but easily managealbe load)
Military press 5 x 5 (light and very fast)
Barbell rowing 5 x 5 (light and very fast)
Jump squat 5 x 5 (15-20% of your max squat)
Doing this for two weeks. I’ll add 1-2 assistance exercise at each workout, doing 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps.
THEN, I would take 1 week entirely off. After this, I was hoping to try Chad Waterbury’s anti-bodybuilding routine. However, I could not go to the gym every other day, but would rather go Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. For example…
Day One: Monday
Day Three: Wednesday
Day Five: Friday
Day Seven: Monday
… and so on…
Would this still work as an effective routine, or because of my limitations, would you suggest finding a different strength training program? I would really like some sort of M/W/F 5x5 split (I’ve looked at RR&D, and I don’t have the right equipment). If anyone uses their own 5x5 split, could they perhaps post it for me?
Thanks for the input.