Another Weird Thought

Earlier, I had a thought about phytotestosterones… and was wondering if they exist in nature…nobody really responded, so I’m guessing that a) they dont, or b) they do and I just made someone rich…well here’s another thought: Soy is a phyto estrogen, and soy is freakin cheap as hell, what if it were possible to through some reaction alter the soy enough so that it would still be accepted at the estrogen receptor, but wouldnt act like estrogen (like clomid does)… figure out how to do that, and booya!! Also, I’m kinda confused at how test and deca (nandorlone) which is really nortest both work at the anrdogen receptor, but estrogen and progesterone(the arom. from deca) don’t both work at the estrogen receptor… No one has said they don’t, but if blocking the estrogen recpetor doesn’t prevent the progesterone from giving you boobies, then it must act somewhere else…and d-bol works somewhere else too…is it possible that these both work at the same but different place? amse but different meaning that one the is other androgen acceptor and one is the other estrogen acceptor…I’m rambling, but I just get these crazy thoughts and i know they may sound dumb, but I figure one of these dumb ideas is gonna make me money someday…like figuring out how d-bol works since it doesnt work at the a.r.
anyway any thoughts or pointing of your finger and laughing will be appreciated…who knows maybe the t-staff will be impressed with my thought patterns, or more likely my dimensia that makes me think they might :wink:

Quite a bit of work has been done in medicinal chemistry in making and testing various derivatives and analogues of phytoestrogens but none have been as good as novel synthetics like clomiphene or better yet raloxifene.

The reason you can get cross reactivity at the progesterone receptor, but progesterone does not act at the estrogen receptor, is that the progesterone receptor is really not so specific and it is not unusual for steroids that bind well to other receptors to also bind to the progesterone receptor. The reverse is generally not true: the estrogen and androgen receptors are pretty specific.

It seems that high estrogen alone can lead to gyno; progestagenic activity from progestagenic steroids usually doesn’t; but the combination of high estrogen and progestagenic activity is often “gyno city.” In other words both receptors have relevance and if both are contributing you are probably screwed.

that makes a lot of sense…so it really isnt solely progesterone gyno, ita a combination of the two…thanks for clearing that up…so i guess that means that my soy idea wont work :slight_smile: oh well…ill keep trying i come up with crazy ideas all the time, but the one that was never responded to that i wanted to know about was the possibility of phytotestosterones…not precursors like andro, but something that mimicked test like soy did estro