Wanna know something funny and disappointing at the same time? A Canadian newspaper “The Toronto Sun” polled a bunch of Canadians and sadly, 61% of Canadians polled think that Canada will be the next target of Terrorism.
Pff yeah okay, that’s really believable. I can REALLY see the non CNN sensationalized mainstream corporate U.S. government influenced media reason for wanting to keep Canadians in fear (Terrosism, something you do to keep people in fear of you). Last I remember, the only undisputed King of the Oilmen who just keeps on wanting more oil and any excuse he can to go after it lives down south of the border.
“Look at me daddy! I can run a country! I’m gonna go after the guy that fucked you. Here in Texas we don’t take to kindly to anal sex.”
(who bankrupted 3 businesses?)
I guess when the person you financially set up decides to do the job and then turn around and say “Ala says… you can’t have your money back and I don’t think I’ll work for you anymore, “f” you”, you’d get pretty pissed off. Hell, I know I would.
I mean with all those post terrorist attacks since September 11th EVERYWHERE in the U.S., it would only be natural to be scared. I mean LOOK at all of them! TONNES and TONNES of terrorist attacks. It’s like, you can’t breath the AIR withoug getting at least two maybe three “rag head terrorists” stuck in your nose. I would have thought that if a devoutly religeos someone declared a holy war “Jihad”, we would have seen something on American soil since the attacks, whether from outside the country (planes flying into buildings) or inside the country (Oaklahoma city style bombings).
Ah well call me Jello.
I know that by this point you’re probably already formulating your reply in your head, probably with something sarcastic to say like “Ha ha ha ha! Yeah right that’s a good one!” or “How DARE you! You’re just another one of those Art Bell cock suckers, blah blah blah” or “I’m thirteen years old! I watch CNN too! I’m informed! You suck! Now I’m gonna go play some CounterStrike or something…”.
But all I’m doing is just asking some questions that I’d love to find the answer to. Because to be honest, the whole thing does seem a little shakey and if you look at the whole picture, there’s just a few things that don’t add up.
Anyways, time to sign off. And in the words of Dubya, “Fight Terrorism, buy more stuff!” and “Nobody messes with Texas”
P.S. As for Art Bell? When people use a major form of media (the radio) to put guests on the air and talk about something so that they can GET OFF on sensationalism, it just serves to piss me off. I feel sorry for any impressionable schizophrenics who may listen to his show.