Just looking for some feedback on my first cycle, I realize there is a lot of these on this thread so I’ll keep it short.
500mg of Test-Eth/week for 10-12 weeks (250mg Monday Lunch and Thursday Night)
30mg of D-bol for weeks 1-4
250iu of HCG every 4th day
Nolva on hand for any gyno symptons and of course PCT at 40/40/20/20.
I’ve been lifting weights since I was 15 for hockey and weighed a whopping 137lbs, been taking bodybuilding seriously for the last 3-4 years. I’m 23 years old, just uner 5’10, 218lbs, dont track my bf% just go by how my abs look (my guideline is I should always be able to see the top 4). Personal best on bench is 345, squat 475 and deadlift 585.
What furiousGeorge posted the Steroid Newbie Cycle Planning thread has been really helpful, would just like some other vet opinions.
I’m responding to your question from the sticky you posted in.
Go with arimidex or aromasin.
The standard dosing with adex seems to be .25mg EOD. It varies from person to person so you’ll have to play around with the dose.
I’ve never used aromasin but have heard very positive things from it and I plan on trying it my next cycle. The standard dose seems to be 12.5mg EOD with aromasin.
Word. Looks like you’ve done some research and settled on the super-standard beginner cycle. No issues with thta though, as it seems to get pretty good results. Have fun.
[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:
Word. Looks like you’ve done some research and settled on the super-standard beginner cycle. No issues with thta though, as it seems to get pretty good results. Have fun.[/quote]
Appreciate it VTBalla34. Yes pretty standard hahah but like you said it seems to get good results. Gonna log it for any other newbs.