This is not a thread about home defense and what gun is best for that. We have plenty of those.
This is not a thread about best ‘starter guns’. We have plenty of those.
This is not a thread about banning guns for any reason. We have plenty of those.
This is not a thread about 12 weeks to bigger guns. We have plenty of those.
This is not a thread about having guns in national parks. We have one of those.
How many good marksmen do we have here? I’ve been shooting all my life and am decent but not great by any definition of the word. I want to be a good long range shot.
600 yards plus. I actually want to be able to hit a 1,000 yard shot. I know this will take a lot of time on the range and I am ready to do that. My current hunting rifle is a Winchester Model 70 in 7mm rem mag with a Leupold VX-II scope.
The main reason is there were a couple great bucks that walked by at about 500 yards this year and I want to be able to harvest them next year.
I know the 7mm rem mag is fine for that but reading over at sniperforums I really want a 300 win mag. Still looking around and reading glass reviews.
What do you all use now and in the past? What do you like best and what would you stay away from?
Reread your post. You already have a gun that will do what you want to do, as you stated, but you’re thinking of getting something different because of teh interwebz?
Use some of that new gun money for ammo and training and do the job with the gun you already have.
I have a Savage FP111GL Left Handed in .300 Win Mag (Accu-trigger version) with a Nikon Buckmaster 6-18SF with BDC reticle. Havn’t shot it much, but I was looking at taking it to the base and trying out their 1000 yard range some day. I’ll let you know!
Put about 2 boxes through at the range the other day, and given how light the gun is, that round kicked my ass a little bit!
What about a Ruger M77 in Win .270? I heard those shoot pretty damn flat. One of my friends has it in 30 06 and says it’s a great gun. I have only heard good things.
[quote]pushharder wrote:
I have a muzzle-braked Ruger No. 1 chambered in .338/378 Weatherby (wildcat). Scoped with a Leupold Vari-XIII 4.5x14x50mm. Fires 250 gr. Barnes X bullets at around 3100 fps at the muzzle. This gives it more energy at 500 yards than a 30.06 at the muzzle.
Makes very loud boom due to muzzle brake. Must wear hearing protection at all times. Noise dwarfs all other rifles at firing range although I’ve never been around a .50 BMG.
Load it with 124 grains of slow burning powder. Not a misprint. 124 gr.
I have shot 3/8" MOA.
I have killed a whitetail doe at 550 yards.
I have killed an antelope doe at 525 yards.
I have killed a 5 point bull elk at 325 yards. Bullet penetrated near side shoulder bone at its thickest point, passed through vital organs, exited off side shoulder bone at its thickest point and disappeared. He went down like he had been hit by a train.
My dream shot would be to take a bull elk at 600+ yards. One bullet.
I also have a custom Winchester Mod 70 chambered in 6.5mm/300 Weatherby (wildcat). It fires a 140 gr. bullet at around 3500 fps. On paper it is one flat shooting SOB but I have not extensively tested it in the field at long ranges.
I want a .50 BMG rifle someday.[/quote]
[not sarcasm]
dude, seriously, the more of your posts I read, the more I am convinced you’re one of the most badass guys on the site.
most people don’t realize how big elk are, good shot.
[quote]Doug Adams wrote:
Reread your post. You already have a gun that will do what you want to do, as you stated, but you’re thinking of getting something different because of teh interwebz?
Use some of that new gun money for ammo and training and do the job with the gun you already have.[/quote]
No not just teh interwebz. I agree it will work just fine but can you really have too many guns?
[quote]pushharder wrote:
I have killed a 5 point bull elk at 325 yards. Bullet penetrated near side shoulder bone at its thickest point, passed through vital organs, exited off side shoulder bone at its thickest point and disappeared. He went down like he had been hit by a train.
My dream shot would be to take a bull elk at 600+ yards. One bullet.
I want a .50 BMG rifle someday.[/quote]
On a side note, does Montana do a lottery for Elk tags or how does that work?