Another Different 5x5 Plan

Ok guys, you may remember that i made a post a while ago that asked if i should do a simple 5x5 program or stick with certain CW workouts that i picked fit my schedule and lifestyle.

However, with much thought, i just decided to do a 5x5 program. however, i dont like doing the same exercises day in and day out. also, i do like to include some high rep work so heres the routine.

sets:5 for each exercise

-3 sets of 3-5 reps
-2 sets of 8-12
-each exercise is taken to concentric failure only

*exercises are based upon available equipment and safety (i workout alone)

Workout A:
-zercher squat (heels elevated)
-zercher good morning
-bench press (wide grip)
-incline curl
-overhead triceps extension (with EZ curl bar)

Workout B:
-barbell hack squat
-snatch grip deadlift on platform
-push press
-snatch grip barbell row
-reverse curl (with EZ curl bar)
-california press

why i chose certain exercises:

zercher squat: reletively safe exercise with major impact on total body musculature.

zercher good morning: regular GM’s hurt my back

barbell hack squat: again, a safe exercise with a large impact on the legs

wide grip bench press: places more stress on the chest than regular bench press

snatch grip barbell row: to equal out the wide grip bench press

direct arm movements: my arms could use more size; i dont have that great of a mind-mucsle connection with arms (but not terrible); after some of the hard compound work, i could use a break from it by using some easy isolation work.

after doing this for a long while (when progress stops), i’ll stick with the template but change exercises (except the squatting and deadlifts)

what do you guys/girls think?

So are you just alternating A&B during the week? How many times a week are you lifitng?

yes, i am just alternating A&B throughout the week, lifting 3x a week.

I would take the time to make a C or even D, because I figure anyone will get bored of doing the same shit 3x a week for an indefinite amount of time. Just go to an index of exercises and find what else works for you.

actually, i was reading through some articles after i came home from work, and i noticed that what im doing is very similar to james chan’s 'heavy/light" method. didn’t realize that.

I say just go for it, it doesn’t look like a bad program.

When you get sick of it, I would switch the exercises as you said, but I would consider throwing in a workout C.

As soon as you start getting bored, change it up a bit - usually happens at the 4-6 week mark for me. When you do swtich it, don’t be scared doing some of the more conventional lifts - they do work and will provide great results too.

i presume that by the more conventional lifts, you mean just basic squats and deadlifts. trust me rsg, i would love to do them (ESPECIALLY BACK SQUATS), BUT EITHER DONT HAVE ENOUGH WEIGHT plates or no squat rack (sorry, i pressed the caps lock half way through). when i save up enough, im getting weight plates (but for now my money has to go towards school).